Phinney Association

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The power of the word of God is in the pages of Science and Health

I had a healing from reading Science and Health several years ago. I was contracting as a Christian Science nurse in a facility in another state. One night while I was there, I had some trouble with pains in my head. The pains were intense and I had to really battle to stay with the Truth. I worked that night and all the next day, pacing the floor and declaring the Truth. That day I was unable to carry out my nursing duties. I felt bad because I was there to help the facility, but the managers were very loving about the situation.

The second night it finally came to me, “People have been healed by reading Science and Health. Why don’t you see if that is true?” It came to me almost as a dare or a test to see if this could possibly be true. So I sat down and started reading. I was healed by reading the book fairly quickly. It was true. It does heal.

One day more recently, I was not well and the thought came again to just pick up the book and start reading. I did so and was healed very quickly.

Now I have been reading and re-reading Science and Health for years, but these were specific times where the thought came to just read the book. This has been proof for me that the power of the word of God is in the pages of Science and Health. Even if everything is not understood, the power is there. As Ivimy Gwalter described that power in an article included the first Anthology of Classic Articles, “the power of the presence of God and the presence of the power of God” (“The Activity of the Christ,” The Christian Science Journal, December 1957).