Phinney Association

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What was needed most was love and humility

Mrs. Eddy says, “Harmony is heaven. Science brings out harmony; but this harmony is not understood unless it produces a growing affection for all good, and consequent disaffection for all evil, hypocrisy, evil-speaking, lust, envy, hate” (Miscellaneous Writings 337:16–19). We cannot demonstrate the kingdom of heaven at hand or within if we do not purpose to overcome hate with Love, jealousy and envy with kindness and generosity, pride with humility, retribution with forgiveness, and selfishness with selflessness. Jesus gave us many examples of this in his Sermon on the Mount and the Lord’s Prayer.

But what does it mean to truly demonstrate this when the rubber meets the road – when you are faced with someone’s hatred or envy or when someone does something to you that is unfair or unjust? Mrs. Eddy says it best: “Faith illumined by works; the spiritual understanding which cannot choose but to labor and love; hope holding steadfastly to good in the midst of seething evil; charity that suffereth long and is kind, but cancels not sin until it be destroyed, – these afford the only rule I have found which demonstrates Christian Science” (Miscellaneous Writings 338:9).

My most recent demonstration of this was at work. When my last manager became my boss, I struggled with her leadership style. During her visits to my location, she was prone to point out areas that needed improvement in a disparaging way, without any regard for the many things that were being done well. On occasions our conversations got heated, as I was determined to stand my ground, which only led to more discord between us. I knew that I could not approach this situation with human means, and turned to Chrisitan Science prayer. With the help of a practitioner, I was able to see that what was needed most was love and humility.

I began to work to know that my boss was a beloved child of God and that she was not left out of the kingdom of heaven. I worked to know that she was governed by divine Mind and that we could both see the good in each other and value one another. Our relationship improved and my boss increasingly recognized the good work I was doing. My boss even began using me as an example for others to follow. It is interesting to note that while our relationship improved, my peers continued to struggle with her leadership style – evidence that it was the spiritual work that I was doing that was bringing out the harmony of heaven between us.

At the beginning of this year, my company made organizational changes that resulted in her no longer being my direct manager. Validation that our relationship had been healed came when my previous manager spoke highly of me to my new manager. She also went out of her way to ensure I received proper recognition for one of my recent accomplishments when my new manager had failed to do so. At that time, she expressed genuine appreciation for me and encouraged me to never doubt myself or all the hard work I had done.

In that moment, it was remarkably clear to me how beautiful it is to live in the kingdom of heaven. While the labor to love is not easy – it requires both a denial of self and a complete surrender to God’s will – it is the path by which we take up our cross and follow Him.