Phinney Association

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“The chapter speaks to me of an infinite universe of living ideas cared for by a Mind so large it knows and adores each one.”

(1) What do you feel the word creation implies? 
It implies the outcome of God, which is to say the infinite outcome of Life, Love and Mind.  

(2) In your own words describe your impressions of the chapter “Creation” in Science and Health.
After reading this chapter many times, words seem inadequate.  The chapter speaks to me of an infinite universe of living ideas, each created and cared for by a Mind so large it knows and adores each one.  This Mind considers these ideas its precious children, and continuously unfolds immediate and boundless good for them, unlimited by time or matter.  This Mind also holds each idea in perfect relationship to every other, which must create a symphony of eternal and universal love beyond imagination.

(3) How can the increased understanding of true creation make a difference in your life?  Better yet, share with us how the truth of creation has been, or is being, demonstrated in your life.
Nothing stands between me and a richer unfolding of good in my life than dropping off some swaddling clothes.  I accomplish this by first removing any sense of limits from my concept of God and what He can do, and then from myself as God’s idea and what I can receive.  I’m applying this to my work —where I'm underemployed – and would like to see more of the “infinite idea forever developing itself” (p. 258) and to relationships, where I would like to see the absence of home and family replaced with the demonstration that I “coexist with God and the universe.” (p. 266)