“I felt refreshed and awake and an inner strength that I hadn’t felt in days!”
What do you feel the word “Creation” implies?
It is a constant unfolding of the divine Mind in consciousness, which is always showing us more. It is a demonstration of Divine ideas that come with expectancy and inspiration. It is a moving forward as the limitless idea of God. It is a revealing of what Life truly is.
In your own words describe your impressions of the chapter “Creation” in Science and Health.
It speaks of God’s man and it exposes the lie that man is mortal and subject to sickness, sin and death.
I found the chapter “Creation” to be so full of spiritual facts that cannot change and will always be true. Each statement is essential to the understanding of our real being. Even breaking the entire chapter into small parts, or pausing line by line gives one plenty to work with and know.
One of the basic ideas on page 262, “starting from a higher standpoint” reminded me of another statement in Science and Health. Mrs. Eddy writes, “If thought is startled at the strong claim of Science for the supremacy of God, or Truth, and doubts the supremacy of good, ought we not, contrariwise, to be astounded at the vigorous claims of evil and doubt them, and no longer think it natural to love sin and unnatural to forsake it, --no longer imagine evil to be ever-present and good absent?” (SH 130:26-32)
I ask myself, “Why have I ever started from a material standpoint?” The Truth is right here. On page 257, Mrs. Eddy asks the question, “Who hath found finite life or love sufficient to meet the demands of human want and woe, --to still the desires, to satisfy the aspirations? And on page 264, it states that we are “needing no other consciousness,” if we find “all in God, good.” To me this means, we have all we will ever need.
How can the increased understanding of true creation make a difference in your life? Better yet, share with us how the truth of creation has been, or is being demonstrated in your life.
I am grateful to have been given this assignment. The increased understanding I have gained has helped me to be more aware of my thought and thought in general. It can feel natural to take in or react to what is presented to us by the material senses. Waking up to the fact that it is NOT natural, but just a suggestion trying to distract us and take us off course, gives us an opportunity to forget self and do what most glorifies God. It wants us to believe it is seemingly easier at times to just go with it until the pain subsides or the turmoil slows down. It’s mesmeric. It shows that one has to be so in tune with God, to understand the most natural inclination is to turn to Him. As Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health on page 261, “Good demands of man every hour, in which to work out the problem of being.” (emphasis added)
I found it is important to realize and know that man is more than what might be initially seen. More than the world claims, more than we sometimes claim for ourselves, more than the material senses claim, and more than evil claims. God created more.
When I sat down to do this assignment, I was quite ill. The entire day was very difficult physically and I just wanted to sleep. (Seems our references covered this!) I took two 15-minute sleep breaks and felt no relief. I then recalled what Mrs. Eddy tells us about rest, “The consciousness of Truth rests us more than hours of repose in unconsciousness.” (SH 218:7-8) I spoke to a friend who is a Christian Science practitioner and she agreed to work for me. I then sat down and re-read the Creation chapter. I was so uplifted and was getting clearer about my real being. By the time I finished the chapter and began this assignment I was free. I felt refreshed and awake and an inner strength that I hadn’t felt in days!