“And Her spiritual expression (that's us--the real man) can only act in consonance with the perfect spiritual reality.”
Creation implies action--”the act of creating” (Merriam's dictionary) and what really is or has reality. God's creation is all good action. It is omni-action, the only real action that is.
Mortal mind deludes itself (unreality deluding unreality) into thinking that it (mortal mind) is a creator—that there's a mortal creation we're causing and acting in—that we live, move and have our being in matter. But there's a rather reliable source that puts all the action/creation under other auspices: “In Him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) So creation is never in nor of mortal man, nor is it where he is (because mortal man actually isn’t). The only actor, the only Maker, is God (Good, Spirit, Love, Mind). And Her spiritual expression (that's us--the real man) can only act in consonance with the perfect spiritual reality and power that are creation. And it's in that perfect creation that God's man lives, moves and remains eternally.
Nothing can remove me from my place in God's perfect creation. It's where I am and always have been. It's the only activity and place there is.