Phinney Association

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"…my spiritual vision is always clear"

I am very grateful for a recent healing. Several years ago, it seemed as though a thin film had begun to spread over one of my eyes. Although initially I felt quite fearful about this, over the years, I have worked to know that all my faculties, including vision, are indestructible, and that my spiritual vision is always clear. The seemingly veiled eye never interfered with my serving for many years as Second Reader, nor with driving or other activities.

Early on, when stopped at a traffic light or watching television, I would “test” one eye and then the other to see if there was any improvement. Nope – nothing to report. Gradually, I ceased this “testing,” but I always felt hopeful that I would be healed. In church, whenever we sang “give us vision clear” in hymns 66 or 421, it always spoke to me. 

About two months ago, during a long stop at a traffic light, to pass the time, I alternated closing one eye and then the other and found to my joy that both eyes were clear! I don't know when this healing occurred. At first, I was reluctant to claim it. (What if this is only temporary? What if the old condition recurs?) However, beautiful readings on renewal and regeneration at a recent Wednesday night testimony meeting inspired me to proclaim this wonderful healing. I am so grateful to see the evidence of Christian Science healing in my own experience and all around me.