Phinney Association

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“I decided to take a stand for the truth”

I have noticed myself being stronger in my Spirit-versus-matter convictions, reminding myself that every reliance upon this “Truth of Being” strengthens my sure foundation because it is based upon a divine authority! It has literally been during this period of more staying at home that I have realized a tangible effectiveness in giving myself treatments.

I’ll give one example. For nearly 18 years I noticed I was showing varying reactions to certain plants or pollen in the spring. This past year, I decided to take a stand for the truth – not only for myself but all mankind – with regard to seasonal “presentations.” As I love gardening, lawn mowing, hiking, and just about any activity outdoors, I decided to say no to seasonal allergic reactions with conviction – with divine authority!

In his May 1986 CSJ article, “The Realness of What We Declare,” Skip makes this important distinction. “Treatment through spiritual argument or affirmation does not cause truth to become real. It aids us in excluding the error of belief that obscures the real.” And here Skip states what has become a huge healing impetus, for me: “The truths we declare are substantial, active, entirely real, long before we state them. Understanding the truth we’re stating and holding to what is utterly true gives force and also gives joy to our spiritual affirmation.”