"It was a clear example to me of imbibing truths …"
I’d like to share two small but good healings.
While listening to a Wednesday evening meeting I began to experience shooting pains in my chest and back. At the very end of the service someone gave a testimony about turning wholly to God in a time of need, and as I listened to that sense of the person yielding to God, the pains I had been experiencing went away. The next week I gave a testimony about that healing and referenced how and when it occurred. I said it was also a testament to the power of church, to the “mutual aid society” in which we are supported by the healings of others.
The following week the person who had given the testimony called me to say how appreciative she was of my testimony, that she had been having a challenging week in her work and that my testimony was helpful to her – that it reminded her of the good that she had experienced and expressed. It was another example of the ripple effect that IS church. As hymn 218 says:
From heart to heart the bright hope glows,
The seekers of the Light are one: …
One in the freedom of the truth,
One in the joy of paths untrod,
One in the heart’s perennial youth,
One in the larger thought of God;—
Another healing experienced:
For two nights I had trouble sleeping and tossed and turned throughout the night. On the third night, I was not only tossing and turning, but was experiencing various body aches that were very uncomfortable and exacerbated the inability to sleep. The thought came “promptly and persistently.” I reached for my phone, and a Concord search yielded:
“Science shows that material, conflicting mortal opinions and beliefs emit the effects of error at all times, but this atmosphere of mortal mind cannot be destructive to morals and health when it is opposed promptly and persistently by Christian Science. Truth and Love antidote this mental miasma, and thus invigorate and sustain existence. Unnecessary knowledge gained from the five senses is only temporal, – the conception of mortal mind, the offspring of sense, not of Soul, Spirit, – and symbolizes all that is evil and perishable.” (SH p. 273: 29-7)
I continued reading for about three pages. All the pains vanished, I fell asleep and slept soundly through the rest of the night. It was a clear example to me of imbibing truths, and that those truths did the healing.
I realized that it has been important to acknowledge the healings when they occur and not to not to allow mortal mind to try and invalidate or come in ways such as “Yes but, how about ... and all the etceteras of the carnal mind to attempt to disprove what God is and does. All healings are indications and proofs of God’s love and care and of the efficacy of Christian Science.