"What appeared as infection the day before was not there"
The call for fruitage gave me an extra push to write now. Last week, I was thinking about healing I have witnessed and experienced and remembered most vividly what I shared last year. I puzzled that I couldn’t recall any healing I had experienced that was worth sharing. That sent up a red flag. I recalled having that feeling during a testimony meeting and then remembering a healing that had occurred so quickly the week before that I had forgotten it.
Yes, it is important to remember evidence of “God with us.”
In handling the belief that a physical condition can recur, I am finding that the memory of initial healing yields new lessons to be learned. From the simple conviction that “Truth is real, and error is unreal,” two different claims cleared very quickly in the last couple of months. A toothache came up suddenly, and I was reminded that I had had a very quick and somewhat surprising clearing of a condition a dentist saw as infection for which he recommended a root canal. At that time, I was due to leave in a week to give an association address on the other side of the country, so I let an appointment be made for the next day to have the root canal done. I was totally immersed in the ideas in the address even when I went for the appointment. When the dentist finally saw me, he took another X-ray, looked at it with me, and said he could not do a root canal. What appeared as infection the day before was not there. I left his office rejoicing and wanting to see how this had happened. Why should I be so surprised? So, a couple of weeks ago, when I felt extreme pain in a tooth and felt evidence of swelling, I deliberately turned my thought away from the testimony of material sense, remembering with gratitude that healing experience. I knew the healing was evidence of Truth in action, and that the truth that had effect then was totally relevant now. Within a day, all pain and other evidence of an adverse condition was gone.
As I quietly rejoiced in this healing, I remembered that about a month before, I had countered the suggestion of a couple of dizzy spells with the truth that came so clearly about ten years ago when recurring dizzy spells had been very scary. At that time, through prayer, I realized that it was material sense that was triggering the episode of dizziness – mortal mind, not divine Mind. I had to “stand porter at the door of thought,” to be ready to refuse the suggestions of sense testimony. The experience then led me to refuse the suggestions that came more recently, and they stopped!
This is proof that remembering the healing we witness and experience always helps, because we build on the truth we learn and keep moving forward.