“I was so sure that a healing was happening”
I have several testimonies to share.
My cat has had multiple “small” healings, but they have cracked open the door to more ideas I could submit. One healing happened at Christmastime when something appeared on her ear that looked wrong to me. My family was visiting, and since we are all Scientists, we were all aware of how to think about it. I would say that no specific work was done, but the atmosphere was uplifting and loving, and her ear returned to normal sometime during the visit.
A more alarming situation was healed a few months later, and this time I did specific work. It seemed to go through a process of inflammation and then disappeared, and there is no trace of it now. It was an intense time in my personal experience, and I prayed that it could not impact her. She was very receptive, and there is no evidence of anything being wrong now. The whole thing came and went in a few weeks. I am so grateful for that.
Today I was on a hike with a new acquaintance, who is also a Scientist (a fairly unusual occurrence for me!) I was sharing with her a healing I had on the biggest hike I had ever done and realized I hadn’t shared it with the Association yet. It was a couple of years ago when two of my friends (not Scientists) and I went to Yosemite and did the Upper Yosemite Falls hike. I was not in proper shape for it and had no idea what to expect really – I had brought a TON of snacks, though, so was covered on that point!
Going up was hard. We stopped a lot for breaks, and the views were breathtaking, but it did put us behind about one hour total. We decided that we needed to head back down by 4 p.m. in order to reach the base by nightfall. Well, we reached the top around 4 and couldn’t turn back around immediately without taking in the view and having some rest. We headed down around 5. As soon as we began the descent, one of my knees was in extreme pain. I didn’t notice it going up, but down I could barely walk – this made the descent even slower because my friends had to wait for me. They were usually a good distance ahead because I was going so slowly.
I began to pray as soon as the pain started and declared that a healing was happening! Right then a healing was happening. I sang hymns out loud with every step and didn’t really care if my friends heard, which they probably couldn’t with the distance between us. We ended up climbing down in pitch black for almost 2 hours due to the slow speed and late start, but we had our phones and flashlights and were safe. The pain did not lessen, but I was so sure that a healing was happening that I was not discouraged even though the pain was severe with each step.
We made it back to the motel, and the next day we did a little more light walking around and I felt no pain! There were no after-effects from the previous day’s activity – not even soreness that I can recall. There was my healing, just as I expected. It was an amazing experience to deny the material situation and see the Truth in the middle of it. Mortal mind tried to say if it wasn’t instantaneous, then what good was it? But it just came to me so strongly that I was going to see it and that it was actively happening right in that moment despite what the material senses were telling me. I disbelieved them, and then the evidence disappeared. The entire trip’s memory is so special to me because of the beauty of the healing surrounded by the beauty of nature.
Another experience occurred a year ago surrounding getting a new job. I was not looking for a new job, didn’t want one, and had a “plan” of how long I wanted to stay where I was before I moved on. Everything was great …so I thought...and I didn’t want to rock the comfortable (although sometimes frustrating) boat I was in. However, God had other plans and patiently showed me the way.
A colleague from a previous job asked if I wanted to apply to his new company. I told him that I was so happy for him and how excited he was, but no, I was not interested. Not only was I not looking for a job, but the company he was at was on my list of places where I would never want to work and who I thought would not want me.
My old colleague then invited me to have lunch with him at the office campus and show me around. I agreed with the full expectation that it would be flashy and fancy, but that “I wouldn’t be fooled” and had firm plans to hold my original opinion of the company. This friend showed me all around, and I noticed many things that totally caught me off guard. The internal company culture was not what I had thought. There were posters on the wall decrying some of the very things that were frustrating me at my then-company. I was in disbelief. Did they really mean it? If they did, I might be interested in them. When the recruiter called, I asked them if those messages were truly part of the culture and again asked my colleague more in-depth questions as well as others. Their replies intrigued me, and my thought began to shift.
Another part of the shift was my fear of the interview process. When I thought about it, I miraculously was not afraid to try. I looked for the familiar anxiety, but it wasn’t there. This was a never-before-felt comfort with beginning preparation for an interview. That was a huge tip off that maybe God wanted me to do this, because if I wasn’t afraid, then it was definitely God removing that fear. God gave me new ideas for preparation and how to study for the technical portions. I spent most of my evenings and weekends preparing and thought it would be strange to my friends that I had disappeared except the lockdown was just enacted across the state. While many people seemed to feel “locked in,” I had seemingly unlimited time to focus on preparations and was not bothered by the lockdown at all, at the start.
I should have written down the details immediately because there were so many little events that kept pointing me to this new job and new step. I didn’t go looking for it, but I was as obedient as possible once it seemed like that was the direction to walk in, and the ideas just kept flowing. I was solving problems at my then-current job left and right, and preparing for the interview, having the interview, and volunteering for an organization I hold very dear, preparing for an important event.
There were times I did not know how things would get done, but no sooner than I had asked the question then another idea of a way to do the thing would come along. I had so much energy during this time and was so productive and efficient. It was a time I remember mostly through those feelings of being bolstered and on the right path. For three months, I did not have a day or night off, but it was a truly inspired time.
It is now almost a year later, and the very things that surprised and attracted me to the company are ones I have been able to take advantage of. A few weeks after starting, an idea came to me of a way to do some social good for the world through the company in a way completely unrelated to the job they hired me for. Today, we are starting our second round of pilot programs and preparing a pitch deck to present to directors and VP’s to get support for it moving forward. Right now, it is the most exciting part of working there, and it’s a side/passion project that God provided.