Phinney Association

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Evidence that it is not impractical to expect to see healing in every case

The overriding and lingering thought that stays with me from working on our assignment is that I can expect to see healing in all the cases in my Christian Science practice. There is no situation or condition beyond God’s power and the healing influence of the Christ.

When I received the compilation and began reading and re-reading the testimonies it contains, I decided to make a note of the different cases that came to my practice, either for specific Christian Science treatment or for general Christian thoughts about issues. This continues to be an on-going process.

I would like to share some of the healings I have witnessed as a result of the larger sense of God that the study of this year’s assignment is giving me.

There have been healings of high fever, earaches, sore throats, and bleeding gums in children and the instantaneous healing of acute diarrhea. An emergency call complaining of extreme breathlessness was quickly reversed in Christian Science; an itchy skin condition yielded after some weeks of persistent metaphysical work; boils associated with the last stages of diabetes disappeared; a urinary problem was healed; and memory loss was proved unreal. An epidemic in a chicken poultry was arrested through Christian Science prayer.

I have witnessed harmonious business resolutions where the initial picture was that of total loss and looming bankruptcy; fulfilling employment has been found despite the prediction of a decline in the job market for people over a particular age; financial stability has replaced a sense of insufficiency.

As I have prayed concerning national issues, I have seen a labour strike called off at the moment when it seemed things would disintegrate; prayer has resulted in the restoration of harmony in a school situation where a young student had felt unfairly treated by her teachers; a young man has attributed his admission to the university of his choice to the help he received in Christian Science.

After a brief chat, a young lady who was medically diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and is currently receiving medical treatment was grateful to be given a copy of Science and Health. I was very grateful, too, that I had a spare one handy.

Not every case has come with the ease of immediate spiritual illumination. There have been nights of wrestling to see beyond a frightening human picture, struggles with discouragement, and letting go of a false sense of self—either as being responsible or being unqualified for the task at hand. Yet through it all, I have been heartened, inspired, and deeply and humbly grateful for those testimonies, shining through the darkness of self-doubt and mortal thinking, with the practical assurance of the reality of God’s presence and unconditional love. Each healing, or progress in healing, which I am witnessing is a living testimony of God’s power and the relevance of Christian Science today.

As I read over what I have typed in this email, I realise just how equal God is to every human emergency or situation. It reassures me to press forward with cases where I continue to work with patients, trusting that God, divine Love, is “impartial and universal in its adaptation and bestowals” (S&H 13:2–3). And I am understanding, little by little, that it is not impractical to expect to see healing in every case.

I look forward to giving you another report of healing soon.