“Choose ye!”
Two weeks ago I was asked if I would be willing to conduct a workshop on the subject of “Choose you this day whom ye will serve” (Joshua 24:15) for an organization that provides nursing care for Christian Scientists. I needed to give an answer by Friday, so the thought came that I’d better stay home from church and see how far I could get on an outline for the workshop, to see if it was feasible. Choose ye!!! Ok, I’ll go. The argument to stay home from church came three times, even while I was getting ready to go. I did attend church and was very happy to be there. The next morning lots of good ideas came, and I consented to teach the workshop.
It has been an interesting exercise to be aware of the moment-by-moment choices that I’m called upon to make. One afternoon after I had been suffering from a terrible headache for a couple of days, the suggestion came to go get aspirin. I countered, “Wait a minute! How is that choice going to serve God?” Instead, I chose to spend time reading the periodicals. Soon I felt better, and by suppertime I was free.
Last night the suggestion came to stay home from church to write my Association assignment. Choose ye!!! I attended church, which was a holy experience. I was able to testify to at least four instances where the so-called laws of physics were circumvented. These instances convince me that there is no reason for events such as tsunamis, nuclear radiation, or civil unrest to take any kind of prescribed course. “Thus far and no farther.” (S&H 124:24) There is a reality that is present and in operation, even if the physical senses don’t typically perceive these facts. A visitor was very blessed by the testimonies, and so was I.