God is the Greatest Physician
Earlier this morning I read the following in a testimony from the Feb. 11, 2013 Sentinel: “Remember, you are not the battlefield upon which Truth and error are fighting it out.”
These inspirational words were from a CS practitioner to the writer of the testimony. The testifier went on to say she was completely healed by the next morning as she “…simply and joyfully let this conviction govern (her) thought for the remainder of the evening…”)
I can identify deeply with this testimony, as ten or eleven years ago I had been medically diagnosed with two “conditions”, that were both ultimately completely healed by this same process of letting my spiritual convictions grow and govern, in my own case over a much longer period of time.
The “solutions” that had been presented by specialists were (a) surgery to remove a malfunctioning gland, with the caveat that I must take one pill, each day, for the remainder of my life; and, (b) continue taking heart medications, with the hope that the first problem might have been treated well enough to lead to a regulation of my heart, so eventually I might (conditional with the medical world, …always conditional) be able to stop with the heart medications. The prognosis was that I could never cease taking the thyroid pill, “…because that would be vital to my existence, after the removal of the gland.” I emphatically renounced the surgery “option” stating lovingly, yet firmly that I would be continuing with my prayers, according to the way I had been accustomed all my life!
I received steadfast help, all during this process, from a teacher of Christian Science, who supported me initially, over the phone—on a daily basis; then, just whenever I needed further reassurance and reminders of who I actually was/am! — God’s idea, the child of His care. I continued seeing my way to COMPLETE FREEDOM, by adhering to and making “my own” the turn-around, corrective truths inherent in statements found in Mary Baker Eddy’s works, such as this from Science and Health, p.418: “Stick to the Truth of being, in contradistinction to the error that life, substance, or intelligence can be in matter. Plead with an honest conviction of truth and a clear perception of the unchanging, unerring, and certain effect of divine Science. Then, if your fidelity is half equal to the truth of your plea, you will heal the sick.” (The sick being, at that time, myself!)
The hymns found in The Christian Science Hymnal (original) were my daily mainstay, and a great source of inspiration, as well! Especially helpful was/still is! Hymn # 412: “O dreamer leave thy dreams for joyful waking…” and, Hymn # 64: “From sense to Soul…”
At times I felt a dichotomy, especially taking medications, and continuing teaching as a substitute in the Sunday School! I could do this because I knew, in my heart, that I was putting absolutely no credence in, nor attributing any salutary feature to any chemicals I was “taking”; rather, I did then and of course do still to this day KNOW that God is the greatest physician, my one and only “saviour”. The medical regimen was initiated from requests of family members near and dear to me, who feared for my life, and pleaded I try medicine in addition to prayer in C.S. I acquiesced because at that time it was extremely difficult for me to be calm, and orderly in my thinking, or, my actions.
A salient point, and one to be underscored, is that never for a moment did I believe that any lasting answers or help were to be found in a medical regimen. In fact, the medicine-taking never was comfortable, nor “just do it” for me. Quite the contrary; after 11 months of almost 24/7 prayer, according to how I had been brought up and helped by taking CS class instruction, I contacted each medical specialist, with whom I had a patient-doctor relationship, and informed them that I would no longer be working with them. I stopped at that moment with any and all medications, and all the tests, and exams that had gone along with that regimen.
A point to highlight here: I stopped with all medicine and doctor appointments on the same day the endocrinologist’s office had called me to say my last “blood-work” showed that my condition had “worsened”; but, the Truth of the matter was I knew with 100% surety that I had had my healing. No opinions based on scrutiny of matter could derail me from my reinstated path; a path paved with perfect God, perfect man, as its basis!
I became much more specific, and alert in my day-to-day application of what it means to be a “practicing” Christian Scientist, and to this day I endeavor to live in constancy to this higher standard. How wonderful it is, a gift beyond words, to understand and appreciate just “WHO” the one God is—our totally good Creator; and that I always have been, and always will be His/Her totally good idea, always the beneficiary of eternal uprightness. Each of us is a “constant” with God, ” with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” James 1:17.