Gratitude for two quick healings
This past week I experienced two Christian Science healings. On Wednesday I gave a testimony about a healing of a sore—at one point, very painful—hand. The hand was healed in a matter of a day or so, which allowed me to be at work in a job that often involves significant lifting. The healing came about after a morning of simply turning to the “Scientific Statement of Being” and a few of Mrs. Eddy’s hymns. This was the start of the healing, which continued on very quickly.
At the end of my workweek, I had another healing, this one of a sense of discouragement about a work situation and a sense of apathy and inertia that had seemed to take hold in thought. I called a practitioner on this one and had immediate help. Later in the day the mental symptoms seemed to resurface. But trusting the work of the practitioner and my own work, I literally got up from the couch and moved forward with the necessary activities of the evening. The next day I reported to the practitioner that I was so grateful that I had had a productive day despite the earlier mental inertia.