“I turned to God and knew that Diamond was innocent…”
Prior to boarding a plane (to head back home after Christmas) I noticed a fellow passenger sitting at the gate with her dog, waiting to board. I was struck by the love expressed between them. The dog was calmly lying at her feet looking up at her occasionally, checking on her, then satisfied, would rest her head again. You could see the dog “Diamond” (I later found out her name) was very loving and appreciative of love given to her. I witnessed this as people walked by reaching out to pet her. She didn’t object and seemed quite pleased. A young man approached and asked Diamond’s person if it would be ok for him to pet her. The person agreed. Diamond seemed more than pleased. Soon the call came to board. The young lady (who was also a college student) and her dog were in front of me in line. We all boarded. I thought this was the end of the story.
Shortly after boarding, the flight attendant from the back of the plane escorted the college student and Diamond to the front of the plane. She was reseated in the front row but with her dog at her feet. She expressed concern because she had purchased two seats so Diamond would have a place next to her. The flight attendant told her flight regulations didn’t allow for a dog to have a seat and they had to reconsider whether she and Diamond could stay on the plane. Another flight attendant expressed her concern for the passengers because she felt Diamond hadn’t settled down since boarding. She was convinced that Diamond would be a disruption. The college student explained the fact that Diamond attends all of her classes and sits calmly at her feet for hours. The flight attendant argued, expressing that she had a full flight of passengers to take care of and consider. In addition, she hadn’t seen Diamond sit still once. Due to this, she decided the flight had to be delayed until clearance from an officer of the airline was given for Diamond to fly. Diamond appeared somewhat uneasy.
As this was going on, I turned to God and knew that Diamond was innocent and could not be misunderstood as a disruption. She was calm and peaceful as God’s expression. She was there to love and everyone had the opportunity to feel it and share it. This whole situation was governed by Love and everyone would be blessed. Soon Diamond began to appear more relaxed as she sat at her person’s feet. The officer came on board and each party expressed their view to him. The flight attendant represented her argument quite strongly.
The college student seemed at a loss. I was then led to speak. I told the officer how I had witnessed Diamond sitting at her feet calmly for the entire waiting period at the gate. And I didn’t notice anyone disturbed by her. The college student thanked me. Then to everyone’s surprise, the officer said, “Ok, the dog can stay on the plane.” The incident was resolved. Diamond was permitted to fly! This is still not the end of the story…
The atmosphere on the plane completely changed. The flight attendant who was so fearful of problems she thought Diamond would cause, became very compassionate and appreciative of Diamond. She even apologized to the college student and thanked her for understanding her position. The college student just glowed and they spoke with one another frequently throughout the flight as if they had been long time friends.
Another beautiful thing happened. This situation also blessed the woman sitting next to the college student and Diamond. The woman had a mental challenge and she was so happy to be sitting next to Diamond. At one point she exclaimed, “I love dogs!” As she patted Diamond’s head she smiled and asked the college student questions about Diamond. The college student was very patient and loving with the woman and they smiled sweetly at one another. The college student bent down to kiss Diamond frequently throughout the flight and the woman next to her couldn’t stop petting and admiring Diamond. Once we landed, the flight attendant again thanked the college student for being understanding of her concerns. They parted with the flight attendant wishing them well and patting Diamond on the head, telling her she was a good dog.
To me, this was a beautiful demonstration. “Love is reflected in love.” (S&H 17:7) What tried to be a bad situation ended up being a definite proof of man’s — and dog’s — true being. The passengers saw it too.
I also want to add, that I initially did not want to take this flight. Due to this trip being work related, it wasn’t something I could dismiss. I had to go. I was actually where I was supposed to be in spite of mortal mind trying to tell me it was just going to be a burden. I had to turn away from self and believing that I was being inconvenienced. I now realize that no matter where I am, it is my duty to be a Christian Scientist by giving and being God’s expression, which includes embracing others. Oh, what I would have missed if I hadn’t been on that flight! Another opportunity to witness the allness of our dear Father, Mother, God means everything.