"The weekend worked out beautifully which showed me how being God-directed felt."
I want to share so much gratitude for the College Summit this summer. I am grateful I had the chance to be a part of it. I had recently felt lost and the personal sense of me seemed to run my days. This was the weekend I needed. The weekend worked out beautifully which showed me how being God-directed felt. I arrived in Boston on Thursday morning and I was led to visit the Association office. I am so grateful I did! I was able to read the 2016 Association address and started to find my way again.
The next day I came back to the office for a couple hours and read testimonies from the 1943 Sentinel. More uplift! I was led to read an article in the same Sentinel called “Panoply of Love” by Lewis Charles Hubner. As I read the uplifting Association address, testimonies, and the article, the idea occurred to me that this “self” doesn't belong to me. The self that doesn't know enough or gets angry easily or is tired or worried or any of the “selfs” that try to impose itself on me. What a beautiful idea!! The next couple days at the Summit were filled with so much joy and inspiration. Ideas from the Bible Lesson came to me again and again during the Summit. Someone would ask or comment on something and a phrase or sentence from the Lesson would pop into my thought that I was able to share. I am very grateful for the sharing of ideas and the inspiration received from the College Summit.
On a side note, Romans 8:7 reads, "the carnal mind is enmity against God." Each night after the Summit I would cry about a lack of this or that and I would work to pray through it. On Sunday a wonderful question was brought to me. "When has mortal mind ever been right about anything?" What a great thought!! These thoughts that kept occurring to me about lack were just mortal mind being like a broken record to deter me from the uplift I should be feeling. It still took some time to pray and work with the ideas but I was freed, and able to enjoy a nice walk on the Freedom Trail that afternoon. Which now seems very aptly named for my walk after breaking from those thoughts. I really felt a renewed sense of self this weekend and I hope to hold onto it through the year!!!