"I felt Love's all-presence and a deep sense of peace."
I am very grateful for the compilation of testimonies and the deeper understanding of God and His allness they have given me.
1. In all honesty, do you feel differently about Christian Science healing and your own practice of C.S. after completing the reading? What new conclusions might you draw from these testimonies?
I do feel differently about Christian Science healing and my practice. I feel a stronger reliance on and trust in Truth and in the truth about man. The conclusion that can be drawn is that we can depend completely on the truths of God and their effectiveness in healing; we can trust that they do heal.
2. Please share healing experiences that you feel have come about as a direct result of this new view of the serious practicality of Christian Science practice.
The testimonies showed me the effectiveness of simple truths applied to various situations; this understanding has enabled me to have a stronger trust in my relationship with God.
Several healing experiences have come about as a result of this new view of the practicality of Christian Science practice.
I periodically read for the church services of a local Christian Science nursing facility, but recently I had started to lose my breath as I was reading. Now prior to the service I focus on Love’s allness; if I feel I am going to lose my breath during the service, I also focus on the allness of Love. As a result, I have not lost my breath for several services. I have realized that it is the allness of Love that is being expressed, and not a material selfhood trying to express God.
Another healing occurred when I was praying about the recent situation with Syrian refugees in Lebanon. I was focusing on the allness of Love and “the light of Love’s overarching and transformative presence” (from your article “Powered by Love”). I felt Love’s all-presence and a deep sense of peace.
That evening as I was riding to church, a small growth that I had had on my face for the last year fell off. During the church service, a testifier spoke about Love removing hatred and how this affects the body. I realized that the allness of Love I had felt while praying that afternoon had resulted in the healing of the small growth.
One other healing occurred in a church committee where I recently began to serve as chairman. One of the members seemed to be expressing dominating qualities. I prayed, feeling the ever-presence and all-power of God. In my next interaction with this committee member there was more of a sense of working together.
I have gained more of a sense of the meaning of this statement from a testimony in the compilation: “Now, my brother, this demonstration showed me my own nothingness and the all-power and goodness of God. In all my life I never felt my own littleness as I have in this, and the goodness and glory of our God is beyond words of mine to express” (E.G., Journal, September 1897; p.71).
I am grateful to be gaining a deeper trust in God’s allness and in my relationship with Him.