Phinney Association

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“How readily people accept the pure truth when it’s stated clearly and without agenda.”

I have opened my heart and thought to accepting requests for healing and to seeing opportunity for healing. I have had requests from family, but none has come directly to me from a source outside my own circle. In an effort to prepare myself for better healing work, I have been re-reading Science and Health through consecutively. I began in December and have been reading very slowly, underlining a lot, and really digging in. It’s wonderful to drink in each sentence in my own time like this, and I can’t imagine that I will not reap the benefit of more spiritual fluency than I’ve experienced heretofore!

My younger daughter calls me from college on a regular basis for support on various topics, from health to weather to relationships. One item has been the frequent tornadoes this spring. She called me one time saying that the sky was looking green and ominous. We talked about the present fact of harmony in all of God’s creation, not one locality over another. We also discussed the need to make sure we weren’t participating in any turbulence or drama around the dorm or anywhere else in the world. As we spoke, she looked out the window and said the sky had cleared.

Another time this daughter fell on ice and hurt her arm so that she seemed to have no mobility in her shoulder. (This occurred about the time that you sent us an email about the value of sharing our healings so that others can benefit.) She had just heard of a wonderful healing from a friend who had broken her hand and then realized there couldn’t be a time of separation in God’s care for her. I told my daughter that she could apply the truths that her friend had used to her own case. At the time that my daughter fell, she had been full of joy with all the snow on campus and had just sent me a picture of the scene, so we talked about there being no interruption or break in good, joy, or comfort. The next day she was back in class, without pain and with free use of her arm.

I’ve also had lots of occasions to share truths with co-workers and friends who are not Christian Scientists. I’ve been able to speak very pointedly about God’s love and direction on topics ranging from real estate problems to personal and health issues. It’s been exciting to see how readily people accept the pure truth when it’s stated clearly and without agenda.

In the parking lot of the grocery store, I met a neighbor who said that periodically she had been out of work and had been unable to find work that was meaningful and worthy of her capabilities. I asked her if she is religious. She said yes, so I told her that God already had a place in mind for her that would fulfill His purpose for her. I haven’t seen her since, but her response was so happy, grateful, and accepting that I can’t believe she didn’t leave the conversation more expectant of the right job or situation.

This past summer my older daughter and I were talking about relationships, and she told me that finding the right mate seemed impossible, so she wasn’t expecting it. Her comments amazed me, as she has always been very tuned in to relationships. I told her that marriage was a right desire. She could “own” the desire and God would bless it, since “… no loss can occur from trusting God with our desires…” (S&H 1:11–12). Well, a couple of weeks later, she left for class instruction, where she met a young man. They are being married next January! We love him. He is a wonderful metaphysician and has his sights on being a Christian Science chaplain.

I think that “owning” a right desire, in the sense of trusting that it will be blessed and brought to fruition by God, puts the idea more in the realm of fearlessness and our worthiness of good. I’ve shared that concept with others, including non-Scientists. Several people have liked hearing this and have put it to use.

None of these stories is extraordinary, I know, but I am getting clearer and clearer in understanding the goodness and Allness of God.