“It is this spiritual growth that is life-changing.”
I wanted to share a healing that came about after reading your gift.
About four months ago, my tennis partner said, “I know you don’t want to hear this, but you really need to do something about that growth on your face. I have been noticing it for some time, and it looks like it is getting worse. I have friends who have had skin cancer removed from their face and bodies. I know you are a Christian Scientist, but I really think you need to have it checked out.”
I responded by saying, “Thank you for your concern,” and “I will take care of it.” But I didn’t. Instead, I said to myself, “I am a Christian Scientist,” and that was that. I didn’t take any steps to heal the situation, but just kind of floated along.
Then last month when I was visiting my daughter and grandchildren, I noticed that my two-year-old grandson was looking up at the growth on my face. He didn’t say anything, but I could tell he wanted to.
That was my wake-up call. It was just what I needed to take some action. Inaction was not working. Ignoring a situation is not healing through Christian Science. I realized I needed to do some work about this “growth.” I needed to recognize it for what it was—a false imposition, something that was not true about me … never was and could not be. God is perfect and made perfect man, not imperfect man. Therefore the growth could not be part of me now, then, or in the future … ever.
Within a week, the growth was gone. It seems as though it fell away. But I am not hanging on to that explanation. I am declaring the truth that it had no reality to begin with.
I have shared this healing at a Wednesday evening testimony meeting and with a family who asked me about Christian Science. I was grateful to have the opportunity to share my healing with non-Christian Scientists. Isn’t that what Jesus did and expected of us?
This year I have been finding that the real growth occurring in my life is spiritual. I have gained so much from teaching Sunday school to a class of high-school students and from witnessing the word of God in action in my prison work. I am now involved in this prison work three to four times per week, and am getting so much more than I am receiving.
It is this spiritual growth that is life-changing … for all.