“…the aggressive behavior was turned into loving cooperation.”
At one point I noticed a nurse who had come for CS nurse’s training always managed to quietly sit with a patient and change aggression to normal and often very sweet conversation. Sometime later, this individual asked to work with me on the nursing floor. When we did work together, I sat down and told her how impressed I was with her care of the patient and asked her to explain everything she understood about him. I felt that the whole nursing facility, as well as the patient could benefit from her insights. She mentioned that she had a family member with similar circumstances (military background, mental challenges associated with combat duty). She learned not to be afraid or intimidated by his behavior which stemmed from frustration with communicating. I had observed that the patient often confided to her things he never told anyone else. The conversation with her transformed my approach to the patient, and soon my ability to work with him harmonized immediately. Now I had peaceful experiences with the patient in which brotherly love was expressed. Shortly after this when I was asked to orient new nurses to the facility I passed on this understanding to them and the number of people grew who worked effectively with the patient. There was no longer discussion about moving him to another facility.
One evening while assisting him to retire, this patient insisted that the enemy was about to attack. Human logic to the contrary did not convince him otherwise. He became angry and aggressive at my disbelief and perceived apathy. He would not be helped and began to yell. Before calling the practitioner I felt I needed to uplift my thought above the discord. It didn’t seem right to simply depend on the practitioner to “fix” the problem so I could resume my work. I retired to the nurse’s lounge to pray. I prayed to see the Christ man, to see what God had created and must be manifested according to spiritual law. I prayed to see harmony and brotherhood prevail in man by healing my own thought and aligning it with the Truth. Shortly, the aggressive behavior calmed and the yelling ceased. Another nurse was then able to take the patient to his room. When I returned, the aggressive behavior was turned into loving cooperation. He became a joy to work with, and there was no need to call the practitioner.