“God had never let go of this boy and he hadn’t fallen.”
At the end of May my husband and son came home from a Boy Scout meeting all abuzz with news that one of the scout’s brothers had been in a serious bicycle accident the night before where he had been riding down a steep mountain road, braked on some loose gravel and gone over a 10 ft wall, landing on his head on a concrete driveway. He was unconscious when they airlifted him to a distant hospital. The boy’s dad came to the scout meeting asking for prayers and they prayed. When my son and husband got home that night, my husband looked at me very seriously and said “the family is asking for prayers.” So I immediately went to my study and prayed, knowing that God had never let go of this boy and that he hadn’t fallen. It was only a hypnotic dream and the boy could wake up right now and go home. The family had recently relocated to our town and the father had just retired from the marines and I knew that they hadn’t returned here for tragedy, but for blessing, and that Love was bringing their child home to them. I prayed for about 10 minutes and felt assured of their well-being and totally forgot about this until the following Thursday night when my husband and son again came home from scouts—this time talking about the miracle that had occurred and the speedy and complete recovery of this boy. The incident had occurred on a Wednesday night and the boy went home on Monday. My son said that everybody was talking about this at school and that when the doctor told the boy that he was being released, he ran down the hall of the hospital saying “I’m free, I’m free, I’m going home!”
A couple of weeks later we went on a canoe trip with the scout troop and the boy’s father was there and as we sat around the fire one night he gave quite a moving account of the incident. Interestingly, he said that when the doctors told him that his son had TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), he just couldn’t and wouldn’t accept it or believe it. He said his son just woke up from the whole thing perfectly fine and everybody has been calling it a miracle.
Even though atheism seems to be the “in” thing these days, I’m so grateful for opportunities for us to practice our faith and prayers publicly in the community. It is so good for all of us.
My daughter who’s a senior in a public high school has sometimes complained about strong atheistic viewpoints she hears about in school. I don’t think this has been easy for her, but I do think it has made her a stronger practicing Christian Scientist. She has always loved to write and her most recent poem which she read publicly a couple of weeks ago at a poetry reading was different from anything I have ever seen her write in that it was inspired by metaphysics. The title was “Awake.” A couple of years ago a creative writing class she took produced a magazine that won 1st place in a state level competition. Its title was “Reaching for truth.” Thank God that the truth is written in all of our hearts.