Wanted to share some of my thoughts in case they are helpful to you all as well...
This is sad news, and have been working through it. Wanted to share some of my thoughts in case they are helpful to you all as well. The 91st Psalm of the Bible Hymns 8,7,6 in that order, Hymn 278, first stanza, and one particular paragraph from 'Right When – Right Then', by Paul Stark Seeley, pasted below:
If the one liar insistently suggests that another mortal, dear to us, has died and that a burden of grief has settled on us, what is Truth's answer? This, that right when this event claimed to have a place in our, his, or her, experience, right then the only fact was and is God's uninvadable universe of indestructible Life and its forever continuing identities. In this universe mortal mind and its perishable sense of mortal selfhood, with its birth and death, are unknown. The alone verity was and is the unbroken continuity of divine manifestation, in which every individual expression of Life, God, must ever remain inseparable from every other in the eternal symphony of indivisible Love.
There is really no human sense to be made of this, but we can support everyone and Bree during this time and bring out each other's spiritual sense and provide the spiritual comfort that Life continues in that "eternal symphony of indivisible Love."