Phinney Association

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“The same kind of profoundly impressive healings can be found today."

What a joy to read the testimonies from the 1943 Sentinel.  I continued to read them from the 1943 Journal also. 

I was impressed by the testimony of a woman from the May 22, 1943 Sentinel.  She wrote that her doctor said he could do no more, but “to study Christian Science.”  “I came home very much discouraged.  I could not read the textbook properly, for I am Russian by birth, not could I understand it.  That night I prayed that God would reveal himself to me…I opened Science and Health and to my surprise I was able to read and understand it spiritually.”

Thinking about all of the proofs of God’s protection during the war on the battle field and in the cities, it was their realization and understanding that matter is non-existent and man spiritual, and holding steadfastly to this truth found themselves absolutely protected. 

In the August 1943 Journal a woman wrote, “On April 16, 1941 a land mine and an explosive bomb fell simultaneously at the front and back of the block of flats in which I lived.  All except the floors and the main walls had given away and I was thrown down in the darkness …I had been studying the Bible and Mrs. Eddy’s writings…I was calm and fearless.  I called to my friend (who just came into the room).  ‘I am all right and so are you.  God is here and He will show us the way out.’  We felt our way in the darkness to the top of the stairs …covered with debris.”  They found their way down from the fourth floor.  She repeated the 91st Psalm to her friend who was not a student of Christian Science.  They were shown the way out.  “I turned away from the scene with no fear whatsoever, but a sense of exaltation.  I saw as never before, the dreamlike and unreal nature of materiality, and my heart was filled with gratitude to God that my life had been preserved.”

I know that the same kind of profoundly impressive healings are found today because the Christ Truth is always available every second of the day, in every part of the globe, especially in war torn places where mortal mind is uplifted by divine Mind.  The wonderful testimonies in the Sentinel and Journal of today are proof.