Understanding the source of peace
Question 2: Share a testimony other than physical healing in which reading one or more of Skip’s articles had played an important part in your own spiritual study and prayer and final demonstration.
The Christian Science Sentinel (May 5, 1986) that included Mr. Phinney’s article “What if peace were powerful” sat on my desk for many years. That article gave me a basis for understanding the source of peace, which is fundamental to seeing the truth in an arena where conflict can appear to be constant.
I recall hearing great readings about peace at a Wednesday evening testimony meeting in March of 2020. That same day, my work as a journalist took me to a national gathering of cyber officials. I wrote about efforts to coordinate the activities of the government in this area, and ultimately a new director position was created. I attribute this development to a greater understanding of God’s government and His peace, both of which have an effect when applied in the human experience. In 2021, I was grateful to convey some of this reporting in articles in The Christian Science Monitor.