Phinney Association

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The Truth empowers us

Question 3: Share a transforming experience like Saul to Paul which came about reading Skip’s article(s).

Skip’s articles “How much do you know of Christian Science?” (Sentinel, September 8, 2014) and “Not two but one” (Journal, February 1986) have been very helpful in my work as a Christian Science nurse.

When I first started nursing, I knew intellectually that I must let Love, divine Principle, define my ministry—that it wasn’t my ministry, but God’s. Yet I seemed to keep getting in the way. Sometimes I would outline how I thought a healing should be progressing. At other times, my activities to help one person would get me off track, so I was not punctual in meeting another’s needs. Sometimes I wanted to help someone wake up to what was available to them in Science and Health, not a bad idea in its own right, but the way I pursued it was too fearful.

Skip’s articles have helped me get things the right way up. I have matured in my understanding that we don’t have to empower the Truth, but the Truth empowers us. To reflect does not mean to have Truth go into us and then shine out by some personal effort. Instead, we witness what God is doing with man, how God uses man for his purposes.

Outwardly, I have become more faithful in trusting each person I am looking after to God and feeling a sense of peace, rather than clinging to a false sense of personal responsibility. This is still a work in progress—sometimes the old habits of thought try to reassert themselves, but I know that the clearer view I am gaining will win, because the Truth is impelling me forward.

Over the past months, I have been working to behold the perfect man right where the senses are saying man is sinning and sick. My almost constant prayer while ministering has been, “Open Thou mine eyes, that I may see.” There have been situations where I’ve felt fear and uncertainty as to whether a patient’s need will be met. But many times, I’ve witnessed beautiful moments when needs were met precisely and completely. Love has been expressed and gratefully received in abundant and practical ways. This has been a great lesson to me in feeling deeper faith in God’s ability to comfort and uplift even the darkest corners of human experience.