Phinney Association

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My Truth-filled consciousness is my citadel

Question 1: Share a physical healing or healings in which reading one or more of Skip’s articles played an important part in your own spiritual study and prayer and ultimate healing.

I awakened one night recently with a sense of vertigo, a recurring problem from a couple years ago. I prayed with the thought that the seeming problem was aggressive mental suggestion, outside of my consciousness and not real.

I went to my office, where the notebooks with Skip’s articles are stored. Picking a notebook at random, I found an editorial entitled “The consciousness that heals” (Journal, November 1987).

These words stood out: “The answer that seems so important to think about today is to stop supposing we have a mortal mind that can be spoiled or invaded or pervaded….But we’re not stuck with this mortal mind. Our actual consciousness includes tremendous conviction and natural apprehension of spiritual reality. Our consciousness is the reflection, or expression, of this one Mind.”

I was glad to see that I was on the right track about aggressive mental suggestion, and Skip’s editorial expanded on the idea beautifully. My actual consciousness never heard of vertigo, neither could it experience vertigo. My Truth-filled consciousness is my safe place, my citadel. God annihilated, obliterated, and eliminated the aggressive mental suggestion of vertigo.

I had been working on some writing, which was kind of limping along. Not surprisingly, the next days saw considerable energy and good ideas flowing from my Truth-infused thought.