“Father and perfect Son, blest unity”
I am always grateful for the opportunity to see God work.
A dear young man who graduated from college a couple of years ago frequently pops in to my office to have a bit of a chat. He is not a Christian Scientist, but enjoys sharing his ideas and career plans. At the moment he works in his dad’s accounting firm.
The other day when he popped in he seemed quite agitated. He mentioned how his dad had spoken so harshly to him that morning that he had decided to leave the job right away. Then, as if a dam had burst open, he began to unburden himself, saying how he was filled with anger towards his dad, who, he said, had never been a part of his childhood. He also said he felt damaged emotionally because his dad continually “rips into him psychologically” with his harsh words and insults. It troubled him that they never talked about these painful incidents, acting as if nothing had happened; but each time, he got angrier. As I listened, I was filled with compassion, for both the young man and his dad (whom I also know), and prayed to know how to help.
He asked if I might have a word with his dad. Somehow, this showed me that Love was governing the situation, and I could trust God for the right resolution, step by step.
Now, the dad is quite formidable, but I felt confident in Love’s leading to request a meeting with him. Surprisingly he agreed to come to my office, where I gently broached the topic. After a moment’s silence (when it seemed as if I had made a mistake, but God never errs), he began to speak. He assured me that his silence was due to his amazement at the love I expressed, both for him and for his son. I knew he was feeling the warmth of divine Love. He then expressed his concern, even anger, about what he perceived as a lack of seriousness on the part of his son. Moreover he felt his mum had spoilt him. He said he was thinking of sacking his son from his post with immediate effect.
I felt led to point out the wonderful qualities his son expresses, which show that he is definitely not a “spoilt kid.” Although the meeting ended with the dad not necessarily agreeing about anything, I did sense a softening of his usual stern demeanour. I trusted the outcome entirely to the omnipotence of divine Love. A short while later, I got a call from the dad, thanking me for the meeting. Then, quite unexpectedly, he said that he would pray for God to teach him to do what is right by his son. What a statement of humility. I was grateful.
Two days later, the son popped in to my office again. He said his dad had, for the first time ever, spoken about the incident, and he had then told his dad how awful his words make him feel. But what the son found most incredible was that his dad apologised. He had never done that before. They are both happy to continue working together for now. It is the start of a relationship headed in a totally new direction, the way mapped out by Spirit; and my heart sings: “Father and perfect Son, blest unity” (Hymn 297:1, by Roberta B. Lynch, Christian Science Hymnal).
I continue to watch out for evidence of God’s work and the opportunity to see more healing.