“Reading and thinking for a few hours gives one that big sense of God that worldly thinking tries to rub out”
Being able to sit in the Association office for days at a time and read Skip’s addresses, our recent testimony assignment, and other CS material has been a huge gift to me. I have used holiday time to come to Boston and be fed for days, growing spiritually and gaining more confidence in and understanding of Science.
I have found the Association office to be a haven, not because of its quietness (Copley Square is regularly anything but quiet!) but because it is full of the arguments for, and proofs of, Truth. Like a good Reading Room, I also know that it’s supported by the truth and love being lived and demonstrated by the workers there too which is palpable. It’s a haven from the constant shouting and whispering of mortal mind saying over and over that it is all-powerful and that matter is all there is.
After just a few hours in the Association study room, reading one of Skip’s addresses and sinking into the logic and the inspiration of it, I feel like I’m home, in the light and seeing things as they really are. Reading and thinking for a few hours gives one that big sense of God that worldly thinking tries to rub out.
There’s something about really immersing oneself in truth that lifts one up and brings light and joy. It’s like Skip said in class that we should put ourselves in the way of Truth. - just as one would go to the kitchen for food. I feel like that’s what I’m doing when I go to the Association office - going to be fed.
I can honestly say that studying in the Association office for a few days at a time has given big boosts to my convictions regarding Christian Science healing.