About Association
“Pupils may visit each other’s churches, and by invitation attend each other’s associations.”
“Teachers of Christian Science will find it advisable to band together their students into Associations…”
Associations of students make a strong contribution to the dynamic difference of outlook that is characteristic of Christian Science. They help emphasize that the core of genuine religion is a living, active relationship to God and ongoing spiritual growth, which is expressed in practical spiritual healing for others as well as for themselves.
After completing an intensive two-week course of primary Christian Science class instruction, students become members of a continuing Association.
This Association of students meets together once every year in order to keep the spiritual lessons of class fresh and alive and to extend these lessons to a wide range of topics. For example, support and encouragement toward a public practice of Christian Science healing, what it takes to be a follower of Christ Jesus now, ethical standards related to Christian Science treatment, first-hand accounts of healing, economic issues and job security, finding place and purpose, relationships, overcoming grief, helping humanity, and many others.
A dictionary refers to an association as “an organized body of people who have some interest, activity, or purpose in common.” The word also implies a mental or spiritual connection, or relation between thoughts and ideas. And “to associate” means “to keep company,” “to be a companion or comrade.” So an Association of students meets once a year, but the connection, the purpose, the comradeship, goes on all year long.
“The associations of the pupils of loyal teachers shall convene annually. The pupils shall be guided by the Bible, and Science and Health, not by their teachers’ personal views. Teachers shall not call their pupils together, or assemble a selected number of them, for more frequent meetings.”