Appreciating the website
"A couple of days ago I remembered something that happened when I was young – around middle school age. Mom and Dad had just joined the branch church and at that point they alternated going to Wednesday Evening Meetings (the other would stay home with us kids.) One time when Dad came home he told us that he’d given a testimony. That was new – to think of him doing that – he was a very quiet man. It was also notable because it was a healing that involved me. There was something about knowing that the healing had been given as a testimony in church that made the healing seem different somehow. It had become part of church. It was bigger than just my experience.
I thought of this when I was praying about the website, and I see how each of the accounts I read is larger in this way. The healings have become part of the Comforter bringing all things to our remembrance. And that it’s the nature of Divine Science to feed us this way with the bread of heaven, strengthening us in the wilderness and feeding the famished affections."