Association assignment 2019
1. Please read the following citations:
SH 108:30-15
SH 110:13-17
Pul 34:26
SH 241:14-17
SH 320:24-25
SH 232:9
SH 84:3-7
SH 270:14-16
SH 333:23-26
Mis 23:7-10
Peo 5:3
My 221:5-7
Mis 190:15
SH 547:6
SH 547:31-32
2. In your own words, what would you say is meant by “the spiritual meaning of the Bible”?
3. Give three examples of passages or stories in the Bible (other than the Lord’s Prayer SH, pp 16-17) for which Science offers a spiritual interpretation. And please explain each spiritual interpretation that you select.
4. Identify some practical benefits to you individually as a practicing CSt from searching the Scriptures, reading the weekly Bible Lesson, and becoming more familiar with the Key to the Scriptures.
5. Why should the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures be our “only preachers”? Would you say that was old fashioned? What’s the purpose behind it?
6. What does Christian Science have to offer those who value the Bible but are put off or confused by Biblical criticism, which seems to invalidate Bible accounts such as the resurrection of Christ Jesus or “miracles” of healing of sickness?