Phinney Association

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Dear Father, show me your light

A couple of weeks ago, I was feeling darkness and despair: first from all of the troubling issues in the world on the news, and second from the oppressive weather conditions—we had had many days of rain with no sun. As I was driving down a winding road in the pouring rain, I reached out to God. My thought went to the fact that there is light and it never goes away. God, ever-present good, forever emanates this light, and it can never be dimmed or diminished. It is always there, even if we can’t see it. I prayed, “Father, I know your light is right here, and it can’t be hidden from me or anyone else. I know your light can never be extinguished for you are the creator of it. Dear Father, show me your light, so that I can see my way to you.”

Instantly, a clearing appeared and the sun shined brightly through the clouds. A wonderful sense of God’s presence came over me, and I felt His love and the assurance of His constancy. It was a beautiful sight. But it wasn’t just what I was seeing with my eyes, it was a sense of Spirit that was lifting me upward and showing me God’s love. I could feel it and it was powerful and strong, but also gentle and sure.

I was in awe of His immediacy in my desire for the light. The fatigue and dread I was feeling disappeared and I felt refreshed and new. I was filled with energy and light. It was so brilliant, I could feel its perpetuity. Visually, it lasted for about 30 minutes, but mentally, it stayed and sustained me. I went about the day with more joy and so much gratitude for what God had shown me.

Later in the day, I told a Christian Science friend what had happened. He replied, “I really needed that light, too.” (He was caring for his mother who was going through a difficult time.) He continued, “I happened to see the sun coming through the window and I went outside with my dog to bask in the light shining down on my face. It seemed to have come from out of nowhere after there had been so much darkness.” He thanked me for praying for the light, since He too felt God’s love, which was so needed in those moments.

This was truly a memorable experience for me. Through this simple prayer I witnessed God embracing everyone with His love and light. This was the kingdom of heaven that is omnipresent. Imagine how God must love us to have us living forever in this kingdom!

I love the last verse of Hymn 485, for it speaks of our relationship to God in a beautiful way: “You and You only are first in my heart;/ Ours is a union that never will part./ And held in Your love, without doubt, without fear,/ I know now within me that heaven is here.”