Association references 2020
Truth’s voice and the spirit of lies
Mis. 2:6–8
Mis. 266:28–1
Isa. 59:1, 2, 9
Acts 1:6–8
Matt. 16:1–4
Jonah 2:7–9
SH vii:1
SH 98:4–7
Mis. 364:10
Section 1:
“Lord, my times are in Your hand”
Isa. 30:1, 9
Jer. 9:3
I Pet. 1:14, 23
Ps. 31:5, 13–15 (to :)
Hymn. 541:1
Hymn. 463:3
Isa. 33:6
SH 593:20
My. 200:4
My. 12:17–18, 26
SH 494:11
Hymn. 238:4
Hymn. 458:3
Section 2:
“A fresh universe”
From Spiritual Healing in a Scientific Age by Robert Peel
Chapter Five, “A Hard Look at an Odd Cosmos”:
“Nobel prizewinner Steven Weinberg concludes with a passage written in an airplane thirty thousand feet above Wyoming:
“‘Below, the earth looks very soft and comfortable—fluffy clouds here and there, snow turning pink as the sun sets, roads stretching straight across the country from one town to another. It is very hard to realize that all this is just a tiny part of an overwhelmingly hostile universe. It is even harder to realize that this present universe has evolved from an unspeakably unfamiliar early condition, and faces a future extinction of endless cold or intolerable heat. The more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless.’
“Here speaks one faction of contemporary scientific thought, not without its own stoic beauty and self-enclosed logic. Yes, we do live in a scientific age it insists, but to be true to that fact we must in the last analysis reduce the human spirit and all its values to the interaction of elementary particles of matter/energy.”
Ret. 27:29–1
Mis. 218:14
SH 547: 28
Mis. 21:1
SH 306:25
SH 255:1–6
Mis. 105:32–1
Acts 17: 28 (to;)
Section 3:
Perfect God and _____ ___?
Deut. 32:3 ascribe, 4
II Sam. 22:31 (to ;)
SH 262:5–7
SH 594:19
Ps. 18:32
Matt. 5:48
Mis. 363:13–17
Mis. 186:13
Mis. 46:25
Mis. 6:18–21 That
Mis. 175:19–3
Mis. 79:5–8
Un. 51:6
Pan. 9:8
Pan 10:11
Hymn. 475:3
My. 242:8–10
Hymn. 93:4
Section 4:
“Deep Draughts from the fount of divine Love”
SH 329:26 If
'01 2:8–13
Mis. 1:15
SH 91:16–17
Rom. 8:5–7, 9 (to 1st .)
SH 129:22–24
SH 316:3–7
Un. 17:4–7 I
Mis. 3:4
Hymn. 57:3
Mis. ix:15–18
Hymn. 109:1, 2
Section 5:
“Gently, she said, ‘Learn how to heal.’”
From A Century of Christian Science Healing, p. 19
“As I was about to leave, she [MBE] turned to me and, with much earnestness, asked: ‘Captain, why don’t you heal your wife yourself?’ I stood spellbound. Never for one moment had the possibility of my becoming a healer dawned upon me. I did not know what to say, or think. Finally, I stammered out: ‘How can I heal my wife! Have I not procured the best medical aid, – and, to leave nothing untried, added to that my own medical knowledge? What more can I do?’ Gently she said: ‘Learn how to heal.’”
From A Century of Christian Science Healing, p. 8
“In her classes in Boston during the1880's she would sometimes inform the members at the end of their third or fourth day of instruction that she wanted each of them to go out and heal someone before the class met again the next day. With rare exceptions each of them did exactly that, though many of them were strangers in Boston. …[In one instance after MBE’s request]…fifteen of the sixteen members of the class were able to report healings accomplished since the preceding day’s session.”
Man. 92:4
Man. 47:11–17
SH 347:14–17
My. 122:24–29
Pan. 15:5
Hymn. 175:1
Section 6:
How much of what he did are we doing?
'02 18: 20–22
SH 510:2–4
SH 205:15
My. 109: 2-6
Rud. 10:8–12 2nd material
SH 445:21
Mis. 118:1–4
Mis. 14: 2-4 (to ;)
From A Century of Christian Science Healing, p. 238
“The real change, as Christian Scientists understand it, is from material-mindedness to spiritual-mindedness, from self-centered to God-centered thinking. This is illustrated by many of the testimonies in this book and by thousands more like them. A single comment by a woman healed of arthritis of the spine may stand as a typical example:
“My healing was not immediate. But ‘man’s extremity is God’s opportunity,’ and this was my opportunity for spiritual growth. I studied with a thirst I can hardly describe, month after month. At first I looked daily for a physical healing, but it didn’t come. Finally I realized that, healing or not, Christian Science was the Science of all Being, and the most important thing in my life. And I studied for the joy of unfoldment and the quenching of that great thirst…
“I really don’t know exactly when during those weeks the complete healing came. But I know that the pain began to fade as I searched avidly for Truth, forgetting to search for the physical healing.”
Pan. 10: 22-24
Mis. 190:4
Hymn 91: 1,2
Deut. 1:21
Section 7:
How are you reading Science and Health?
Mis. 459:20
SH 634:8–13 (to 1st .)
SH 652:1–8
SH 694:22–5
SH 91:1–2, 5
Mis. 1:15–16
Ret. 57:22
OK, I want to participate in this awakening to a new heaven and new earth, but when it comes to specific healing work or treatment I’m not sure what to do.
SH 390:27-9
SH 391:9-13, 18-2
SH 393:8-13, 16-21
SH vii:27-4
SH 234:9-12
No 28:19-20
Mis 408:8-10
SH 262:10-14
SH 391:29-32
At this point, it would be useful for you to review the section on Mental Treatment Illustrated in “Christian Science Practice” in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mrs. Eddy, pp. 410-442.
Section 8:
“The greatest and holiest of all causes” – But what are we doing about that?
"Waking thought to the truth about the allness and goodness of God, and of man as His perfect reflection, is central to Christian Science, and it produces healing. Under God's impulsion, Mrs. Eddy wrote Science and Health for the awakening of mankind. But she was not content simply to produce the book and then leave the outreach of its message to the whim of public interest. Mary Baker Glover understood that part of her divinely appointed mission was to see that the book's message reached all that 'hunger and thirst after righteousness'—purity, health, and wholeness—so that 'they shall be filled.' So a month and a half after her book appeared, Mary wrote to a student about 'our glorious cause.’ What had started out more than thirty years earlier as a search for true health, had, through God's gracious preparation, transformed an invalid into a healer, teacher, author, and founder of the 'cause' of Christian Science." – Mary Baker Eddy: Christian Healer, p. 108
Ret. 32:10
SH 95:28
Mis. 16:16–19
SH 471:31
SH 472:6–8
SH 242:30–32
SH 223:21
Mis. 331:29–2
My. 49:26–28 (to ,)
My. 10:17–20
Mis. 177:1–4 (to 1st .)
My. 150:8
Section 9:
Going forward now with gleams of infinite good
Mis. 281:32–3
Ps. 73:28 it
John 14:9, 10, 12
Rom. 11:33, 34, 36 (to 1st .); 12:2
SH 249:14–16
SH 258:13–15
SH 469:30–5
SH 509:17
Hymn. 554:1
Mis. 12:11 (only), 28