“I am already perfectly weighed.”
When it was first announced on Association Day that our next assignment was to go out and heal I was very excited. No more were we being instructed to read about Christian Science healing but to now go out and demonstrate it on our own. This was exciting because healing is our purpose after all. However it did not take more than a day for a little fear to set in. Fear that I would not experience any healings or be given the opportunity to heal others. What I was soon to find out in a few days time was that I was right in the midst of a year long healing!
It began a year ago when I went for a required annual physical. At that time I was “diagnosed” with high cholesterol with the instruction to lose weight and change my diet as the only solution. I, of course, knew the truth and began to work with a practitioner. I had already been struggling with the idea that I was overweight. I had in the past lost weight by means of Weight Watchers. But this time I wanted to lose weight spiritually with a Christian Science healing. The practitioner began to treat me by way of showing me my true identity. This brought me to two Bible passages: “A just weight and balance are the Lord’s” (Prov. 16:11) and “Let me be weighed in an even balance” (Job 31:6). These two verses became so illuminated that I knew I couldn’t be overweight, for my true being is spiritual. I am already perfectly weighed.
As I began to understand this idea I naturally had less of an appetite. There were many days I had ups and downs about my personal identity as it relates to weight, but I began to grasp the right idea of myself. Now a month before this year’s association I went back for the annual physical. I had been working a few weeks up to the visit with a practitioner to know that even though no weight loss had occurred, as instructed by the doctor, that a healing had taken place. Two days after association I received confirmation in the mail showing my cholesterol as stable. My healing had taken place despite what the material world had to say. Of course, I am continuing to work as it relates to my physical weight that God would bring me to a right balance of myself. As I shed mortal beliefs and ideas then I will shed the physical weight as well. Or as Mrs. Eddy states, “The human mind acts more powerfully to offset the discords of matter and the ills of the flesh, in proportion as it puts less weight into the material or fleshly scale and more weight into the spiritual scale.” (S&H 155:21-25)
As sometimes seems the case, animal magnetism does not like progressive good, so within a few days of this healing I suddenly developed a large red and swollen area on my upper thigh. I had not done anything physically active to bring about this condition so I instantly knew what was happening. I was reminded of a phrase from a family member who is a Christian Scientist: “there is no spot where God is not!” I knew right then that the only thing that was there was God and all was harmonious! Although A.M. continued to press in, I continued working about this issue. In the midst of working about my leg, a week later I woke up with an upset stomach. Immediately I began to work to know that I am governed by God and therefore, “Every function of the real man is governed by the divine Mind.” (S&H 151:20-21) I continued to experience discomfort as I entered church that morning and continued to work through the service. About half way through I was feeling 100% better and grateful to God to experience His healing service as Mrs. Eddy so desired to bring.
Later on that day, however, as I was out doing errands the material mesmerism began to hit me suddenly and quickly. I started to experience the upset stomach, light-headedness, and sleepiness. When I got to the car I denied what was happening as real and instead worked silently to know my true identity and to also know that A.M. cannot have power over me. I just kept proclaiming to myself God’s ever-present goodness and power as my only reality and within 10 minutes all symptoms lifted and did not return. Within a week of that healing my leg was completely healed and no signs of redness or swelling have returned. Of course this response to the association assignment would not be complete without a healing of someone else. The following Sunday I had my opportunity. I was sitting in the church service and the woman next to me began to cough uncontrollably. I immediately began to work that nothing can disrupt man’s harmonious being as God is governing every part of us. I just held firm to this truth and within 5 minutes she was completely quiet and able to sit through the rest of the service undisturbed.
I want to thank you for this year’s assignment because it directs each one of us to continue the Great Cause that we have read about these past two years for association. It is now our turn to demonstrate the healing power and presence of God that not just changes our own lives but transforms the world. I am grateful for every CS healing that I have because with every one I am lifted higher to a new understanding of God and our purpose in life. Healing not only inspires but it satisfies the spirit in a way that nothing on this earth can.