All editorials by Allison Phinney (1984-1992)
List of all editorials by A.W. Phinney
Title - Volume (Sentinel, Journal, Monitor) - Publication date (Listed alphabetically by title; links provided where available). Please note that a paid JSH-Online subscription is required in order to view full text of the articles at the links below.
A book that begins revolutions - J - January, 1992
A God large enough for large-scale problems - S - May 13, 1985
A letter signed, “Peace, Dr. Morgan” - S - December 19, 1988
A matter of opinion – or a cry from the heart? - S - May 11, 1987
A new image of ourselves as prophets - J - March, 1985
A new way to think - J - March, 1984
A new world - J - May, 1989
“A physician’s reasons for becoming a Christian Scientist” - S - July 1, 1991
A seed that includes not just a garden but a universe - J - July, 1989
“A sermon from his personal God” - J - August, 1984
A simplicity that is wise - S - October 24, 1988
A time to build — this time on bedrock - S - February 11, 1991
A whisper that is “as when a lion roareth” - S - December 7, 1987
A world behind the words - J - June, 1987
About Christian healing: Christianity: "Again a religion of acts" - S - March 28, 1988
About Christian healing: "Healing is not a talking cure" - S - May 23, 1988
About Christian healing: "The force behind wellness" - S - April 25, 1988
About marriage and divorce: “The heart of humanity warming and winning” - S - July 22, 1985
About not waiting to live - S - August 29, 1988
About sensuality: “An atom of dust” and “spiritual immensity” - S - August 19, 1985
Accepting God’s economy - S - June 17, 1991
Activist Christianity – i.e., Christian Science - J - October, 1991
Acts of God - S - March 3, 1986
Alone in a crowded elevator - S - March 2, 1987
Always an unbroken family - S - April 10, 1989
Always enough Spirit for us to rise up and live - S - April 1, 1985
Are you adding up darkness or counting on light? - S - January 6, 1992
Are you ready for Christmas? - S - December 24, 1984
At the threshold of history - J - January, 1988
Believing in God - S - August 31, 1987
Brethren of promise - J - June, 1984
But is it true? - S - July 30, 1984
Can God change the past? - S- November 11, 1985
Care for a young family - S - September 11, 1989
Christ-healing: again the head of the corner - J - February, 1985
Christian Science is what’s coming, not what’s going - J - September, 1987
Christian Science treatment: “method infinitely above that of human invention” - J - October, 1986
Christianity “let out of the box” - S - June 3, 1991
Christmas, Christ, and evolution - S - December 13, 1982
Church on a spiritual frontier - S - June 6, 1988
“Coloring in” heaven - S - November 9, 1987
Contemporary Times, Timeless Wisdom - M - January 13, 1989
(Please note: you must have a CSM archives subscription to access the lecture online)
Conversations: “God has given us all a purpose here” - S - January 20, 1992
Dancing - S - October 21, 1991
Dealing with the dinosaur problem - S - January 4, 1988
Dear Reader - S - June 19, 1989
Deeper wells - S - April 24, 1989
Does religion have a future? - S - August 14, 1989
Don’t let the spiritual idea be stolen! - S - February 3, 1986
Dragon slaying - S - May 27, 1985
“Drear subtlety” or double portion? - S - June 25, 1984
Easter and the most important thing we could ever know - S - March 25, 1991
Editors' Round Table – Can’t we do better in having an open, caring affection for each other? - J - November, 1985
Editors’ Round Table – Changes in Journal format - what people are really looking for now - J - December, 1987
Editors’ Round Table – If we think C.S. practice is important, let’s pay the practitioners! - J - May, 1986
Editors’ Round Table – Mrs. Eddy counted on each one of us to make Wednesday evening service a success - J - May, 1988
Editors’ Round Table – No part-time Christian Scientists - J - July, 1985
Editors’ Round Table – The compassionate, not cold, community of Christian Scientists - J - November, 1987
Editors’ Round Table – The school we have on Sunday for young people - J - August, 1986
Editors’ Round Table – What’s right with my branch church? - J - May, 1987
Education for a spiritual era – beginning now * - J - February, 1987
Education – future perfect - S - February 27, 1989
Elisha’s majority - S - November 7, 1988
Etc. - S - June 24, 1985
Everyone whole, everyone without handicap - S - March 14, 1988
Face to face with infinite Love - S - April 2, 1984
Factual discovery, honest response - S - November 26, 1984
False realism - S - August 17, 1987
Finding the place “where the miracles of Jesus had their birth” - S - May 26, 1986
Finding the real cause – why you or someone else can be healed - J - May, 1987
Finding the words for it - S- November 25, 1985
Fitness to receive the good we are asking for - S - September 15, 1986
Fitting Christ in - S- March 27, 1989
For Principle, for humanity - J - January, 1990
For the sake of family, for the sake of humanity - S - May 16, 1988
For the sake of family, for the sake of humanity (Special Issue) - S - January 1, 1991
“…for you a light above the sun” - J - May, 1990
“Free at last” - S - January 19, 1987
“Fresh forms and strange fire” - J - January, 1968
“Friend of the friendless” - S - December 23, 1985
Frowns and flatteries - S - June 18, 1990
Getting on with sin-healing or “love catching a glimpse of glory” - J - August, 1988
Getting past the watchful dragons - S - April 6, 1992
Getting ready for work that lies ahead * - S - April 8, 1991
“Gifts greater than those of Magian kings” - S - December 21, 1987
God’s animals - S - May 25, 1987
God’s endless measure - S - August 20, 1984
God’s quickening - S - February 24, 1992
Going public, or coming out from under the bushel Jesus talked about - S - August 26, 1991
Good enough to pray? - S - November 6, 1989
Good health - S - June 25, 1990
Gray and green - S - January 16, 1989
“He will joy over thee with singing” - J - August, 1986
Healing and the nature of God [Threshold 21st Century: Theology and Healing] - J - April, 1989
Healing experience - S - August 1, 1988
Healing work - S - February 1, 1988
Health and fitness: focus on self or new spiritual comprehension? - S - October 14, 1985
“Help me to lift my thought” - S - July 8, 1985
His perfectness heals - S - August 5, 1985
His wisdom, our thriving - S - October 7, 1991
“How can I cope?” It may be the wrong question. - S - May 9, 1988
How do you celebrate real freedom? - S - July 3, 1989
How much can you pray about? - S - December 17, 1990
How to stop thinking thoughts that are not our own - S - October 28, 1985
How’s your philanthropy - S - May 8, 1989
Humanity rising to the heights – how can we help? - S - September 14, 1987
“In the midst of a revolution” - S - October 29, 1984
Inclusive or exclusive? - S - April 28, 1986
Interior landscapes - S - July 18, 1988
Invitation to a wedding - S - July 6, 1987
Invite the most important wedding guest - S - August 12, 1991
Irrespective - S - October 13, 1986
Is animal magnetism old-fashioned? - J - July, 1988
Is it realistic to pray? - S - December 4, 1989
Is there any joy? - S - August 28, 1989
It is time to eat the book up - S - October 1, 1984
It’s OK to pray for democracy - S - September 4, 1989
Jesus’ idea of matter - S - August 3, 1987
“Just do it” - S - May 20, 1991
“Just words”?…Don’t believe it! - S - February 17, 1986
Lambs whom some wolves might wish they’d never met - S - July 15, 1991
Law that can’t be broken - S - September 28, 1987
Learning how the world works - J - September, 1989
Learning the language of Spirit: What do we mean by error? - S - September 1, 1986
Learning the language of Spirit: What do we mean by mortal mind? - S - February 2, 1987
Learning the language of Spirit: What do we mean by scientific? - S - November 10, 1986
Lessons from an old-fashioned hymn: What if peace were powerful? - S - May 5, 1986
Lessons from the movies - S - April 27, 1987
“Let not the sun go down upon your wrath” - S - October 22, 1990
Lifting the veil of triviality - S - July 7, 1986
Like a sunrise coming - S - October 10, 1988
Living by the Spirit – what is takes now - J - December, 1991
Look to a deeper realism - S - June 11, 1984
“Love thy neighbor” – yes, but so many neighbors? - S - January 13, 1986
Making distinctions – saying “yes,” saying “no” - S - February 15, 1988
Making the break with a “chariots and horses” mentality - S - February 29, 1988
Man: not a channel but a witness - J - October, 1984
Man: the other half of the discovery - J - March, 1987
Man: where do we think he is right now? - J - May, 1985
Mary Baker Eddy: her influence upon theology - J - October, 1966
Metaphysics that moves the heart - J - September, 1984
Mind knows how to heal it - S - July 21, 1986
“More alive to His promises” - S - September 16, 1985
More fully accepting the gift - J - December, 1990
More life, not less - S - December 31, 1990
More love on a small planet (Part 1) - S - April 16, 1984
More love on a small planet (Part 2) - S - April 30, 1984
More meaning for Christmas - S - December 10, 2018
More than taste-testing the book - S - December 2, 1991
Never powerless - S - December 9, 1985
Never-ending strength - S - March 30, 1987
New energies - J - March, 1990
New religion and old religion - J - March, 1988
New to Christian Science - S - September 16, 1991
New views, new beginnings - S - February 18, 1985
No “good reasons” for fear - S - June 22, 1987
No last straws - S - September 17, 1984
No longer thinking in matter - S - November 12, 1984
Not two but one - J - February, 1986
Nothing more important to give - S - March 23, 1992
One idea needed above all - S - August 6, 1984
One “Us” - J - June, 1985
Opening the book, reading the Word - J - October, 1990
Opinions: high-flying (and low-flying) - S - August 15, 1988
Our incorporeal life - J - September, 1985
Outweighing popular belief - S - June 23, 1986
Prayer is never imprisoned - S - January 29, 1990
Prayer – with traction - S - August 27, 1990
Progress…into reality - J - January, 1985
“Real time,” real experience - S - February 26, 1990
Revival - J - January, 1989
Rising and resisting - S - January 20, 1992
Rules for a renewed Christianity - J - August, 1990
Rules + work + discipline = freedom - S - January 2, 1989
Science and Health, prayer, and law - S - November 23, 1987
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and its impact on religion - J - December, 1975
Scientific Christianity or “perfunctory religion”? - J - January, 1987
Seeing beyond age and time - S - September 12, 1988
Seeing others scientifically - J - October, 1987
Serious living - S - December 5, 1988
Silence - S - March 31, 1986
Simple prayers - S - August 18, 1986
Sin: the bad news and the good news - S - October 8, 1990
Some more questions and answers - S - September 26, 1988
Some thoughts about Christian Science treatment - S - March 18, 1985
Something astonishingly different is going on - S - October 20, 1973
Something is happening; something is at stake - S - September 2, 1985
Something must be done, something we can do - S - April 11, 1988
Something to help with your health - S - October 12, 1987
Spiritual values and film: Letting powerful meaning come through. Interview with Horton Foote & A. W. Phinney - S - April 22, 1991
Spiritual values and film: Yearnings of the human heart for something more. Interview with M.S. Mason & A. W. Phinney - S - April 8, 1991
Spiritual vitality – is it always somewhere else? - S - June 4, 1990
Spiritualism: new subtlety to an old error - S - October 15, 1984
‘Spirituality or materialism: Crossroad for humanity’ lecture in The Mother Church - M - August 29, 1983
(Please note: you must have a CSM archives subscription to access the lecture online)
Staying awake - J - July, 1991
Stop trying to fix the pipes - S - March 17, 1986
Suburbs, mountains, exalted valleys - S - July 17, 1989
Tasteless salt? Endless savor - S - September 30, 1991
Telling stories true - S - July 31, 1989
Thanksgiving and the forgiveness perspective - S - November 24, 1986
“That ye may be a new lump” - S - January 1, 1990
Thaw out the frozen feelings - S - January 21, 1991
The always new and ever-growing church - J - September, 1986
“The angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve” - S - March 9, 1992
The Cause of Christian Science needs you now - J - June, 2018
The consciousness that heals - J - November, 1987
“The dark night wakes, the glory breaks” - S - December 18, 1989
The distance from doubt to inspiration - S - January 5, 1987
The divine idea appearing now - J - December, 1984
The dreamer is within the dream — but we’re outside it - J - November, 1985
“The earth shined with his glory” - S - April 13, 1987
The engine of our progress - J - November, 1989
The first step - J - January, 1991
The hinge on which history truly turns - S - May 14, 1984
The kind of consciousness we need now - J - December, 1986
The “new” medicine - S - March 16, 1987
The old prophet, the man of God, and spiritual obedience - S - September 30, 1985
The only way a Church can go – or grow - S - November 18, 1991
The power in thanks giving - S - November 19, 1990
The realness of what we declare - J - May, 1986
The reason for existing - S - July 2, 2018
The richest experience * - S - April 15, 1985
The right side, the wrong side, the one and only - S - July 4, 1988
“The scientific statement of being”: not cool but warm - S - June 10, 1985
The spirituality of mankind - S - September 3, 1984
“The time approaches when…” - S - February 16, 1987
The unlearning experience - S - September 24, 1990
The warmth of the healing Christ - S - December 8, 1986
“The world is moving” - S - May 7, 1990
There is a battle at the crossroads - S - July 6, 1987
There is something more to learn - J - August, 1985
“There was fresh air coming in through the window” - S - December 30, 1991
“There will be unity of spirit” - S - January 18, 1988
These times, too, are in His hand - S - September 10, 1990
Thinking it through: Coming home - S - October 28, 1991
Thinking it through: Easter again – this time with more meaning than ever – S – April 13, 1992
Thinking it through: Paying attention to ethics – it’s everybody’s business now – S – July 29, 1991
Thinking it through: Should Christian Science be more simple? - S - March 26, 1990
Thinking it through: What kind of compassion? - S - August 13, 1990
Thinking it through: Why is it reasonable to expect that illness can be healed through prayer? - S - April 23, 1990
Thinking right and “thinking otherwise” - J - March, 1992
This editorial is on sin, but nevertheless you might be interested - J - July, 1987
“This enlarged sense of the spirit and power of Christianity” - J - May, 1991
“This form of godliness” - S - July 30, 1990
This “new crusade” - J - January, 1986
Thought-taking versus kingdom seeking - S - October 26, 1987
To be a child - S - December 22, 1986
To change a world - J - June, 1986
To do more than we do - S - January 6, 1986
“To face what we must become” - S - January 7, 1985
To heal the character of nations - S - May 21, 1990
To make the Bible come alive - S - November 21, 1988
To pray…and mean it! - S - February 6, 1989
To see what’s there to be seen - S - March 19, 1984
To take up arms – spiritually - S - February 18, 1991
Ultimate trend: finding the “great Physician” - S - March 5, 1984
Unconventional Christmas - J - December, 1988
Undoing the drug-abusing society - S - March 12, 1990
Unexpected crosses, everyday crowns - J - April, 1986
“Uphold me with thy free spirit” - S - February 12, 1990
Us – and our family of man - S - March 4, 1991
Voice of the people - S - August 4, 1986
Wake up – we need you now - S - June 8, 1987
Waking up to priorities - S - April 29, 1985
“Watch” for a spiritual morning - S - May 28, 1984
“Watching” the War: Not the “gods of war” but the “God above all gods” - S - March 11, 1991
“We need a question” - J - September, 1988
Welcoming strangers, welcoming brothers - J - December, 1989
What can you do about marriage? - S - June 9, 1986
What communicates - S - April 22, 1991
What death does not do - S - February 13, 1989
What do you think about Christian healing? - S - February 4, 1985
What God knows - S - December 16, 1991
What is Christian Science treatment? - S - May 22, 1989
What is scientific Christianity? - J - April, 1988
What is this One? - J - November, 1988
What it’s all about - S - January 27, 1992
What the author thought about revisions of Science and Health - S - October 27, 1986
What we see and what we get - S - March 13, 1989
When you are persecuted…you are blessed - S - April 14, 1986
Where do you stand? Will you join the revolution? - S - July 2, 1990
Which translation of Science and Health are you reading? - J - May, 1988
Who heals? Who can be healed? - S - January 28, 1991
Who knows enough to heal? - J - May, 1984
Why does Christian Science treatment heal and how does it work? - S - September 23, 1991
Why is truth so important to us? - S - July 29, 1991
Why the Ninth Commandment is so interesting - S - October 27, 1986
Why there is community – and why there can be so much more - S - January 15, 1990
Will you do anything about crime? - S - December 10, 1990
Willing to be inwardly changed - S - July 9, 1984
Wings - S - March 4, 1985
Wisdom of “worldlings” or spirit of God - S - July 23, 1984
Wiser heads - S - October 23, 1989
Womanhood and “Christ’s all-conquering love” - J - July, 1985
Words can be a ladder, but we have to do the climbing - S - November 5, 1990
Working — smarter, not just harder - J - March, 1991
Worship that changes the world - S - January 21, 1985
You the reader, yesterday’s megatrends, and today’s spiritual morning - S - September 29, 1986
Your practice of Christian Science healing - S - November 20, 1989