Handling the claim of closing and downsizing churches

A few months ago, I felt the need to handle the claim of closing and downsizing churches. As I prayed to understand what Mind was seeing, the idea came to me that the situation was no different from that of the disciples at the cross who thought Jesus had died. At that moment I felt a present sense of renewal in me and knew that right there where a church appeared to be closing, right there was an unchangeable idea of self-existent Truth and efficacious Love, ever-creating, ever-resting, and ever-proceeding on infallible Principle…
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“I needed to get myself out of the way and let Mind and Principle direct the path of our church membership”

I am very grateful for this year’s Association assignment, “Looking Science Fairly in the Face.” Like the square a carpenter uses to be sure that a new wall is square to the old wall, this assignment has given me the sense and the way to be sure my thinking is square and straight, in line with Truth, Principle, Love, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Life. It has also given me the opportunity to think about all parts of my experience—home, business, church, citizen—and to pray about how I can better square up my thinking in each of those areas.
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“The renewal of our Church and our Cause (and of my branch church) is something I pray for each day.”

The renewal of our Church and our Cause (and of my branch church) is something I pray for each day. I was moved by James Rome’s letter to Mrs. Eddy about the construction of the Mother Church Extension (My. 61:11–25). “I saw at once that somebody had to wake up. I fought hard with the evidence of mortal sense for a time; but after a while…the conviction that the work would be accomplished came to me so clearly, I said aloud, ‘Why there is no fear; this house will be ready for the service, June 10.’”
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“We palpably felt the love of Christ that is true church.”

My husband and I belong to a Christian Science Society with seven members and a few non-member attendees. We are a happy, harmonious group. At times, about an equal number of Christian Scientists who live in our area attend our services. One day as we were driving home from church, a seemingly random thought came to me and I voiced it to my husband: If all the Scientists who come to church once or twice a year joined us regularly, we would have double the attendance we have now.
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