Dear fellow members and guests, 

We are happy to share with you several items about Association, 2020. It’s going to be at the Hilton Boston/Dedham again on Saturday, April 25, 2020. We have blocked rooms starting with an arrival date of Wednesday, April 22 and a departure date of Monday, April 27. We recommend you make your reservations as soon as you know your plans. If you have problems making your reservations, please contact Jane Shea and she’ll work with the Hilton to resolve it.

We are adding on an extra day on either end as follows:

  • On Thursday, April 23, we will have all of Skip’s addresses (1984 – 2018) available in the Canton Room at the Hilton for members only to read. 

  • On Friday, April 24, we will have only the 2019 address available in the Canton Room for members and those who were guests in 2019 to read. 

  • On Sunday, April 26 and Monday April 27, you’ll be able to read only the 2020 address in the Canton Room.

  • Skip will be having appointments on both Sunday, the 26th and Monday, the 27th in the Westwood Room at the Hilton. Members outside of New England will have first priority.

  • Times for reading the addresses will be 8:00-6:00.  We’ll let you know the times for Skip’s appointments later.

We now have a new address:

A W Phinney Association of Students
P.O. Box 388
Westwood, MA 02090

Our telephone number remains the same — 617-421-9061

If you have any questions, please contact Jane Shea at and she’ll be happy to answer them..


Please visit this link to make reservations for Association 2020.