Millions of unprejudiced minds
This was shared with me by a fellow teacher. Aside from its thoughtful recommendations, it is indicative of a growing trend towards Christian Scientist’s willingness to share and more opportunities to do so, as was so evident at our lunchtime gatherings several years ago on the subject of sharing C.S. I also heard recently of a fellow teacher’s conversation on a plane with someone who became quite interested in the book she was reading—Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, of course. And the result was that Christian Scientist mailed a new copy to the woman who was eagerly looking forward to reading it.
“We are all capable of more than we do. The influence or action of Soul confers a freedom, which explains the phenomena of improvisation and the fervor of untutored lips.” (S&H 89:21)
We can let the wisdom of divine Mind and the inspiration of divine Soul guide us, right where we are. Divine Love is – always protecting us, always directing us, and always guiding us.
Example: I was at a coffee shop visiting with a patient. When the patient left, a stranger came over and asked for prayer. She said she had heard the word “prayer” and wanted me to pray for her too. I closed my eyes and started praying quietly and then the woman took my hand. She then asked, “Are you praying yet? I can’t hear you.” I humbly and prayerfully reached out to the Father and while holding this woman’s hand, I spoke softly and prayed. We then had a lovely conversation. The stranger (no longer) left with my copy of Science and Health.
Are we being “stingy” with our Love and Truth?
Trust the Father to give you the inspiration, the prayers, the words and deeds…to help the stranger…to reach out to the hungering world thought.
Bring your sense of “Truth” with you everywhere…
Bring your sense of “peace” with you everywhere…
Bring your sense of “love” with you everywhere…
Bring your sense of “home” with you everywhere…