Claims of aging overcome

My husband will be 95 years old next year. In the early part of last year, he became very discouraged in not being able to walk and move about our farm, which he loves so much. With our daily prayerful work together, he has set aside any medicine he had been taking and looks forward to our early morning study of the Bible and Science and Health. He now even climbs up on his big John Deere tractor and takes a ride around the fields. My gratitude for Christian Science is beyond measure.

“It is the Truth that sets us free, and not complex argument from a healer.”

I live next door to my parents. My dad has had some struggles this past year, and it seems wise to have a family member nearby to help out.

One noon I got a call from my mother, who simply said, “Drive down to the empty lot, your father needs your help.” I realized Christian Science was needed, though not asked for then. All that came to mind was “There is one perfect God and perfect man.”

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Forgiving our debtors, finding freedom

I have been thinking about the practice of Christian Science in relation to the Association assignment. One important aspect of participating in Christian Science practice is the willingness to actually do what Jesus tells Christians to do—to use his step-by-step instructions for salvation as more than merely helpful guidelines. Recently I experienced the impact of two of his commands: “Forgive our debtors” and “Him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.” (Matt. 6:12; Luke 6:29)
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