"An experience that defied material law"
Over the years, I have found Christian Science to be all that Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of this Science of Jesus Christ, claims it to be. I would like to share an experience I had, that defied material law, to prove, not only the supremacy, but the absolute totality of God’s law, to meet any, every and all human need.
Several years ago, as I prepared to send my child for higher education, I realised that it would be quite an expensive venture, even though, at the time, I had a pretty decent job. He was admitted to a good school, and shortly before he started, it became obvious that the job I had relied on was going to end abruptly. This was the eye-opener that made me turn to God, as I had in the past; although I must admit that I did so with quite a bit of trepidation on my part, especially when I looked ahead to what the future looked like from the short sighted perception of the human view. At the darkest moments, I am grateful for the firm grasp of the truth of the situation, which brought healing of fear almost instantaneously.
Practically day by day, for the next eight years, I learnt to trust God fully for His spiritual ideas, which met, not only the financial need in ways that at times defied human reason, but also other needs - employment, academic and even health issues. This was a time of spiritual growth, with lessons learned, many times, difficult lessons, but always bringing me to a higher, more practical understanding of God as ‘the living God’. I also gained confidence in the efficacy and reliability of Christian Science, despite the belief that we live in a so-called material age. I can say that, however slight, I am beginning to ‘catch the vision that wrote the book’ - Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
The Bible says that God does abundantly above all we ask and think. I know He does, because, despite meeting every need, overcoming every obstacle, meeting every deadline thrown up by mortal mind, this dear child, seeing the practically of this Science, decided at some point to join The Mother Church, and more recently to go for Class instruction. That in itself is another testimony. I cannot express in words, just how much joy this gave me! I too can say with the Psalmist that ‘’my cup runneth over”.
I know we are each working out our own salvation, but I hope this experience shall be a beacon of light to someone struggling in what may seem to be impenetrable darkness. It is becoming clearer to me that only good lasts, because goodness is backed by God’s staying all-power. If I am proving that Truth has the power to triumph all human situations, any one can.