“The claim was diagnosed by modern-day medical equipment”
A couple of years ago I seemed to have a problem with a knee that those who adhere to medical belief would say required surgery. It was said that without surgery I would never be able to walk without a limp. During the next two years, however, I never even wore a brace on my leg when participating in athletics. I never did anything like what those who adhere to medical belief would call rehabilitation exercises. The seeming problem has been entirely healed through Christian Science. I am completely free of any difficulty whatsoever. This is said only after having participated in athletics time and time again, including professionally. I have had as complete and total freedom as I have ever had in my entire life and have had it day after day.
I should mention that at one point I was in a position where I had an obligation to a potential employer to get a medical diagnosis. The claim was diagnosed by the modern-day medical equipment as what it was thought to have been—something that supposedly required surgery. It did not require it. On page 44 of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy says: “Could it be called supernatural for the God of nature to sustain Jesus in his proof of man’s truly derived power? It was a method of surgery beyond material art, but it was not a supernatural act. On the contrary, it was a divinely natural act, whereby divinity brought to humanity the understanding of the Christ-healing and revealed a method infinitely above that of human invention.”
I am very grateful for the help of a Christian Science practitioner during this time. And I would also like to add that although I did not play in an organized game against other players for over a year and although a contract I had signed to play professionally was voided due to the circumstances, I feel like I couldn’t have been any more blessed during that time or now all because of Christian Science.