“At first I wondered if I could take this case, but then I knew I needed to.”
Recently in practice there have been some nice healings. One was a friend who had painful tumors under his arm – something seemingly common in his family. We prayed and they drained and disappeared. Another was a man who is just coming back to earnest study of Christian Science, and his body was entirely covered with an extreme irritation or hives. His fiancé was interested to see what Christian Science could do. It was cleared in three days.
And a few more:
- A child with what seemed a bowel obstruction – he was very uncomfortable, scared and crying. His mother (a single mom) was scheduled to leave the next day to speak at a conference. The crying stopped while we spoke on the phone. There was enough improvement that day so the mother felt free to go to her conference, and healing was complete in about three days.
- A child with a disturbing cough that had continued since last Christmas. The child is now going to enter kindergarten in two weeks. Also the mom was suffering from allergies and fever and these were healed in a little over a week.
- Two cases of eye infection and discharge.
- When praying with an urgent case involving pain, another call came for what seemed great pain. At first I wondered if I could take this case, but then I knew I needed to. This second case was healed in about five minutes and this clear presence of Truth and Love was very encouraging to me in continuing with the first one.