Putting aside a sense of self as the healer
“…holding tight to the inspiration gained.”
/“My patient had put me on a deadline to heal.”
/“I worked to feel that harmonious presence of God.”
/Two lines from “Science and Health” bring healing
/This morning I had a small healing. I woke up and a belief seemed to be imposing itself upon me with certain symptoms of a cold. As soon as it began, I started to cling to Truth and ideas I had heard at the Wednesday evening testimony meeting. A testifier had told of a similar experience and how she was grateful for the Bible Lesson on the subject of Matter. As I read some of the sections in the Bible Lesson this morning, I was also very grateful. I found the statements very healing. In fact a line from the textbook occurred to me, “Man is never sick, for Mind is not sick and matter cannot be.” (S&H 393:29-30) I prayed with this line and worked with the fact that since God is not sick certainly I cannot be sick as His image and likeness. I also worked with the idea that I am not in matter, and God did not make a material man. I found that when I “realize(d) the presence of health and the fact of harmonious being” that the body did correspond with the “normal conditions of health and harmony.” (S&H 412:24)
“The attraction of Science has become irresistible...”
/“I felt that I needed help with a case”
/Thanks for the class references. A couple of week ago I felt that I needed help with a case. It was a physical challenge with someone who was just beginning to take Science more seriously. Anyway, as I say, I felt I needed help. I went back to the question in Recapitulation about “explain sickness and show how it is to be healed” and suddenly thought of all the references and instruction on that from class. What a clear and direct help those references were! And a healing effect. It’s been about thirty years since I went through class. It didn’t occur to me that it would continue to help like this.