Reference letter 2021
April 10, 2021
Dear Association Family,
The Executive Committee is happy to be able to send you the study references (full text or as citations) from our speaker, Joan Wilson Andrews, since they are a significant part of preparation for our Association day together. Joan’s approach in selecting the references is similar to Skip’s.
He once described them:
“The references have not been incidental and illustrative so much as serving to establish the very framework for the address and the shaping of the message. Your own study of them prior to Association day will enable you to see quickly where we’re headed with the various sections so that you can devote yourself to the prayer, unselfing, and spiritual listening.” You’ll see the same development with Joan’s references.
She explains, “Our Association day title, ‘Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free,’ is from the Apostle Paul – he had proved these words many times over, during shipwreck, stoning, imprisonment, and more. I chose the words because that same God-given liberty is blessing and freeing us from the darkness and finiteness of these times. We’re seeing the times in a new light, the light of Christ that nothing can extinguish. We’re not only seeing the light, we’re standing in it! I hope you’ll find light in the references, as well.”
As in previous years, we’ll have the opportunity to listen to Skip’s last address from 2020 for a week sometime after this year’s address. We thought it best to focus on this year’s address before we listen to our teacher’s. Please support us and our speaker in this decision.
Also, please remember to send your testimonies of healing and/or fruitage to the Executive Committee,, as this is most important to the vitality, life, and growth of our association. If you don’t use email, please send them to Pamela Phinney, 7 Saddle Way, Kennebunkport, ME, 04046.
We look forward to being with you on Zoom May, 22nd at 10:00 a.m. EST.
With much love and affection,
Pam E. Phinney, Chair
Sarah Kelly
Jonathan James
Mary Mannakee
Jim Warrick