Phinney Association

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Choosing the true view of life

Question 1: Share a physical healing or healings in which reading one or more of Skip’s articles played an important part in your own spiritual study and prayer and ultimate healing.

Quite a few years ago, I was playing touch football with a few friends. As I was playing, I put weight on my foot in an odd way and did something that threatened to put an end to my participation. Since there were very few players, it was going to make a huge difference if I had to sit out. While I considered what to do, a clear and inspirational idea I learned from Skip’s instruction came to me. I have two ways to see this situation: the obvious physical picture of accident and injury, which seems most real to the human senses, or the true view, that I am spiritual and whole, which is what is really going on.

I took hold of that true view of life, and that was the end of the problem. It vanished as quickly as it came, and I continued to play without further incident. I was most grateful for that simple, yet affirming, resolution to this seeming imposition.