Selective subject index for editorials and articles by Allison Phinney
*This is by no means an exhaustive subject index, but indicates some recurring themes and a few helpful topics. (Many familiar titles, and articles on contemporary issues, are not listed here.) Arrangement and sequence is primarily for the continuity and development of the subject – not necessarily in alphabetical or chronological order. Please note that a paid JSH-Online subscription is required in order to view full text of the articles at the links below.
Unending Freshness
“That ye may be a new lump” (January 1, 1991 Sentinel)
“Fresh forms and strange fire” (January 1968 Journal)
Tasteless salt? Endless savor. (September 30, 1991 Sentinel)
New to Christian Science (September 16, 1991 Sentinel)
Making the Word flesh
"Coloring in" heaven (November 9, 1987 Sentinel)
Getting past the watchful dragons (April 6, 1992 Sentinel)
Thaw out the frozen feelings (January 21, 1991 Sentinel)
Finding the words for it (November 25, 1985 Sentinel)
About not waiting to live (August 29, 1988 Sentinel)
More life, not less (December 31, 1990 Sentinel)
The new-old metaphysics
A new way to think (March 1984 Journal)
Metaphysics that moves the heart (September 1984 Journal)
Words can be a ladder, but we have to do the climbing (November 5, 1990 Sentinel)
Wings (March 4, 1985 Sentinel)
A world behind the words (June 1987 Journal)
The first step (January 1991 Journal)
Not two but one (February 1986 Journal)
Our incorporeal life (September 1985 Journal)
New religion and old religion (March 1988 Journal)
Scientific Christianity or “perfunctory religion”? (January 1987 Journal)
Thinking right and “thinking otherwise” (March 1992 Journal)
Healing: How it happens, its primacy, and its continuing centrality for Christian scientists
What it’s all about (January 27, 1992 Sentinel)
There was fresh air coming in through the window (December 30, 1991 Sentinel)
Good enough to pray? (November 6, 1989 Sentinel)
Your practice of Christian Science healing (November 20, 1989 Sentinel)
Who heals? Who can be healed? (January 28, 1991 Sentinel)
Mind knows how to heal it (July 21, 1986 Sentinel)
What is Christian Science treatment? (May 22, 1989 Sentinel)
Some thoughts about Christian Science treatment (March 18, 1985 Sentinel)
Christian Science treatment: “method infinitely above that of human invention” (October 1986 Journal)
The unlearning experience (September 24, 1990 Sentinel)
Willing to be inwardly changed (July 9, 1984 Sentinel)
Fitness to receive the good we are asking for (September 15, 1986 Sentinel)
Who knows enough to heal? (May 1984 Journal)
His perfectness heals (August 5, 1985 Sentinel)
Finding the real cause – why you or someone else can be healed (May 1987 Journal)
Stop trying to fix the pipes (March 17, 1986 Sentinel)
Finding the place “where the miracles of Jesus had their birth” (May 26, 1986 Sentinel)
Christ-healing: again the head of the corner (February 1985 Journal)
The consciousness that heals (November 1987 Journal)
Healing work (February 1, 1988 Sentinel)
Healing experience (August 1, 1988 Sentinel)
Irrespective (October 13, 1986 Sentinel)
Church Renewal
God’s quickening (February 24, 1992 Sentinel)
Spiritual vitality – is it always somewhere else? (June 4, 1990 Sentinel)
Revival (January 1989 Journal)
New energies (March 1990 Journal)
The engine of our progress (November 1989 Journal)
“This form of godliness” (July 30, 1990 Sentinel)
Church on a spiritual frontier (June 6, 1988 Sentinel)
The only way a Church can go – or grow (November 18, 1991 Sentinel)
The always new and ever-growing church (September 1986 Journal)
Welcoming strangers, welcoming brothers (December 1989 Journal)
A time to build—this time on bedrock (February 11, 1988 Sentinel)
Getting along with each other
More love on a small planet (Part 1) (April 16, 1984; Part II: April 30, 1984 Sentinel)
Inclusive or exclusive? (April 28, 1986 Sentinel)
Thanksgiving and the forgiveness perspective (November 24, 1986 Sentinel)
“Let not the sun go down upon your wrath” (October 22, 1990 Sentinel)
Dancing (October 21, 1991 Sentinel)
Nothing more important to give (March 23, 1992 Sentinel)
The family of man
One “Us” (June 1985 Journal)
“Love thy neighbor” – yes, but so many neighbors? (January 13, 1986 Sentinel)
Humanity rising to the heights – how can we help? (September 14, 1987 Sentinel)
Always an unbroken family (April 10, 1989 Sentinel)
Why there is community – and why there can be so much more (January 15, 1990 Sentinel)
Us – and our family of man (March 4, 1991 Sentinel)
Science and Health
It is time to eat the book up (October 1, 1984 Sentinel)
Which translation of Science and Health are you reading? (May 1988 Journal)
More than taste-testing the book (December 2, 1991 Sentinel)
Opening the book, reading the Word (October 1990 Journal)
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and its impact on religion (December 1975 Journal)
Mary Baker Eddy
Mary Baker Eddy: her influence upon theology (October 1966 Journal)
At the threshold of history (January 1988 Journal)
Animal magnetism
Is animal magnetism old-fashioned? (July 1988 Journal)
How to stop thinking thoughts that are not our own (October 28, 1985 Sentinel)
Working — smarter, not just harder (March 1991 Journal)
A seed that includes not just a garden but a universe (July 1989 Journal)
God’s animals (May 25, 1987 Sentinel)
Christian Science and Christianity
About Christian healing Christianity: "Again a religion of acts" (March 28, 1988 Sentinel)
What is scientific Christianity? (April 1988 Journal)
Rules for a renewed Christianity (August 1990 Journal)
Christianity “let out of the box” (June 3, 1991 Sentinel)
“This enlarged sense of the spirit and power of Christianity” (May 1991 Journal)
Activist Christianity – i.e., Christian Science (October 1991 Journal)
The Cause of Christian Science needs you now (June 2018 Journal)
Christian Science and the Bible
To make the Bible come alive (November 21, 1988 Sentinel)
A book that begins revolutions (January 1992 Journal)
Christmas, Christ, and evolution (December 12, 1982 Sentinel)
Are you ready for Christmas? (December 24. 1984 Sentinel)
“Friend of the friendless” (December 12, 1985 Sentinel)
“Gifts greater than those of Magian kings” (December 21, 1987 Sentinel)
Unconventional Christmas (December 1988 Journal)
“The dark night wakes, the glory breaks” (December 12, 1989 Sentinel)
More fully accepting the gift (December 1990 Journal)
Class instruction and Association
The richest experience (April 15, 1985 Sentinel)
Getting ready for work that lies ahead (April 8, 1991 Sentinel)
Education for a spiritual era – beginning now (February 1987 Journal)
“Drear subtlety” or double portion? (June 25 1984 Sentinel)
What death does not do (February 13, 1989 Sentinel)
Face to face with infinite Love (April 2, 1984 Sentinel)
Worship that changes the world (January 21, 1985 Sentinel)
A God large enough for large-scale problems (May 13, 1985 Sentinel)
What God knows (December 16, 1991 Sentinel)
What is this One? (November 1988 Journal)
Joy and freedom
To be a child (December 22, 1986 Sentinel)
Is there any joy? (August 28, 1989 Sentinel)
“He will joy over thee with singing” (August 1986 Journal)
Living in the truth
Why the Ninth Commandment is so interesting (October 27 1986 Sentinel)
Why is truth so important to us? (July 29, 1991 Sentinel)
Ethics – it's everybody's business (August 27, 1991 Monitor)
Rising and resisting (January 20, 1992 Sentinel)
“Let neither fear nor doubt. . ."
The distance from doubt to inspiration (January 5, 1987 Sentinel)
No “good reasons” for fear (June 22, 1987 Sentinel)
Man: Not a channel but a witness (October 1984 Journal)
Man: where do we think he is right now? (May 1985 Journal)
Man: the other half of the discovery (March 1987 Journal)
“In the midst of a revolution” (October 28, 1984 Sentinel)
No longer thinking in matter (November 12, 1984 Sentinel)
Jesus’ idea of matter (August 3, 1987 Sentinel)
About marriage and divorce: “The heart of humanity warming and winning” (July 22, 1985 Sentinel)
What can you do about marriage? (June 9, 1986 Sentinel)
Invite the most important wedding guest (August 12, 1991 Sentinel)
Simple prayers (August 18, 1986 Sentinel)
Is it realistic to pray? (December 4. 1989 Sentinel)
To pray…and mean it! (February 6,1989 Sentinel)
Prayer – with traction (August 27, 1990 Sentinel)
How much can you pray about? (December 17, 1990 Sentinel)
No last straws (September 17, 1984 Sentinel)
“How can I cope?” It may be the wrong question. (May 9, 1988 Sentinel)
To do more than we do (January 6, 1986 Sentinel)
To take up arms – spiritually (February 18, 1991 Sentinel)
About sensuality: “An atom of dust” and “spiritual immensity” (August 19, 1985 Sentinel)
This editorial is on sin, but nevertheless you might be interested (July 1987 Journal)
Getting on with sin-healing or “love catching a glimpse of glory” (August 1988 Journal)
Sin: the bad news and the good news (October 8, 1990 Sentinel)
Strength of Spirit
Living by the Spirit – what is takes now (December 1991 Journal)
Always enough Spirit for us to rise up and live (April 1, 1985 Sentinel)
Never-ending strength (March 30, 1987 Sentinel)
God’s endless measure (August 20, 1984 Sentinel)
Womanhood and “Christ’s all-conquering love” (July 1985 Journal)
Learning the language of Spirit: What do we mean by error? (September 1, 1986 Sentinel)
Learning the language of Spirit: What do we mean by scientific? (November 10, 1986 Sentinel)
Learning the language of Spirit: What do we mean by mortal mind? (February 2, 1987 Sentinel)
About Christian healing: Christianity: "Again a religion of acts" (March 28, 1988 Sentinel)
About Christian healing: "The force behind wellness" (April 25, 1988 Sentinel)
About Christian healing: "Healing is not a talking cure" (May 23, 1988 Sentinel)
Thinking it through: Should Christian Science be more simple? (March 26, 1990 Sentinel)
Thinking it through: Why is it reasonable to expect that illness can be healed through prayer? (April 23, 1990 Sentinel)
Thinking it through: What kind of compassion? (August 13, 1990 Sentinel)
Not worldliness but having the leaven that works in the world
Making distinctions – saying “yes,” saying “no” (February 15, 1988 Sentinel)
Learning how the world works (September 1989 Journal)
Making the break with a “chariots and horses” mentality (February 29, 1988 Sentinel)
Wisdom of “worldlings” or spirit of God (July 23, 1984 Sentinel)
To change a world (June 1986 Journal)
“The world is moving” (May 7, 1990 Sentinel)
Ultimate trend: finding the “great Physician” (March 5, 1984 Sentinel)
Defeating the Anti-Christ
Wake up – we need you now (June 8, 1987 Sentinel)
Staying awake (July 1991 Journal)
The old prophet, the man of God, and spiritual obedience (September 30, 1985 Sentinel)
Don’t let the spiritual idea be stolen! (February 3, 1986 Sentinel)
Never powerless (December 9, 1985 Sentinel)
Voice of the people (August 4, 1986 Sentinel)
Elisha’s majority (November 7, 1988 Sentinel)
Lambs whom some wolves might wish they’d never met (July 15 1991 Sentinel)
“…for you a light above the sun” (May 1990 Journal)
The greatest Cause of all time
The hinge on which history truly turns (May 14, 1984 Sentinel)
Brethren of promise (June 1984 Journal)
Something is happening; something is at stake (September 2, 1985 Sentinel)
This “new crusade” (January 1986 Journal)
To change a world (June 1986 Journal)
Invitation to a wedding (July 6, 1987 Sentinel)
Something must be done, something we can do (April 11, 1988 Sentinel)
For the sake of family, for the sake of humanity (May 16, 1988 Sentinel)
There is a battle at the crossroads (July 7, 1988 Sentinel)
“We need a question” (September 1988 Journal)
Where do you stand? Will you join the revolution? (July 2, 1990 Sentinel)