Support for Boston and Association
Dear People,
As I write, the interfaith healing service for Boston is just beginning, with the President and Mrs. Obama in attendance. The old hymns are being sung with new feeling and strength. Mayor Menino speaks of togetherness and love covering the city.
Thanks for your own great support for Boston after the events of Monday, expressed in your quick email responses to my letter. Some of you wrote immediately, even before receiving my letter. It felt like a wave of healing thought washing over the city. And I really do think it made a major difference. Those of you who have followed the news closely, or live in the area, know that the public comments by city and state officials, the media, doctors, and people involved in the Boston Marathon have been remarkably positive and insightful, expectant of good, including for those who were injured. Doctors spoke with surprise of the resilience of even those who had lost limbs, and they themselves seemed inspired. Many people spoke and wrote of the majority of good in spite of the aggression of evil—of the unquestioning heroism of First Responders, runners, and spectators. There has clearly been light penetrating the smoke and flame.
I am even more proud of your responses. There is only a sampling below of so many. But all were full of the real spirit of Christian Science and of what Christian Science has to offer the world. To me they are not just responses to the events but they indicate something very special that has been happening in thought and must continue now, not just for us but all humanity. They showed an awakening to the revolutionary revelation that is Christian Science. They yearned to get on with being part of a great Cause.
With thanks and great affection,
P.S. Please continue to share your responses to the Association assignment and your priceless examples of the healing fruitage that flows boundlessly from the message to mankind of God as All-in-all.
P.P.S. Our office is still closed at this time, since Boylston Street from Massachusetts Avenue to Berkeley Street has been closed to the public because of intense police and security searches and related activity.
Excerpts from some of your support and responses following recent bombing in Boston
Thank you so much for your loving and healing email. I am of course deeply grateful that all in our Association office are okay. The lasting message for me is what you sent in your email that a member wrote, as well as Mrs. Eddy’s quote from Miscellaneous Writings. They encourage me to persist in taking a stand for Truth and Love in the face of what seems to be a growing menace of the terrorist group ‘Boko Haram’, in my country.
Where there is one conscientious Christian Scientist, taking a stand for the influence and activity of the Christ, this is not hypothetical, but concrete—practical.
The quote from Miscellaneous Writings is a call for industry and persistence. I am realising that my duty is to be that conscientious Christian.
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Thank you for the e-mail regarding the events in Boston yesterday. These lines from Hebrews came to mind in thinking about viewing the reality about the situation:
“…seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
For me these verses helped point me to the fact that we cannot ‘stand aghast at nothingness’ but must see the spiritual reality, that we all are in the race and have a mission to complete, that some of us are not bystanders but all must prove the truth of what we know.”
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As I have been praying about this, it keeps coming to me that “the greatest wrong is but a supposititious opposite of the highest right.” That’s something I never quite understood until reading, as part of our assignment: “If you wish to know the spiritual fact, you can discover it by reversing the material fable, be the fable pro or con, — be it in accord with your preconceptions or utterly contrary to them.”
I don’t ever remember reading that in Science and Health before, and it’s so helpful to me now. I’ve watched the NY Marathon, and I know how much love is expressed at these events—it always seemed to me a wonderful example of man’s unity—and I know that that truly is the spiritual fact, not the material fable of evil and destruction.
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So glad to hear this news from you. I’ve found a map on the internet which showed where the explosions happened yesterday after I heard about it in the news and saw how close it was to your office and I also know that at least last year you used to be in on Mondays.
I also thought of the picture with the rainbow above Boston on the Association website as a symbol for God’s promise and covenant with us, and that this incident cannot prevent our Association day nor our connectedness with The Mother Church.
But now I must get back to the assignment!
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The coverage here was focused on the good that was done by the First Responders and the wisdom of the athletes in following the directions to depart the area. One of the pictures that kept being shown was of a runner who fell, responding to the explosion. TV coverage stated that he was 78, was unfazed, and refused special help but walked the 6 blocks to his hotel. The media can be complimented on its handling of the unhappy events
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I think at a time like this people can get involved in being impressed by the seeming randomness of evil—that it’s possible to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m so grateful for Christian Science and the calm and buoyant response that is possible with even a little understanding of God’s goodness and omnipresence.
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The idea that has come to me so firmly from about the moment I heard the news is that “man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.” Where else in the world could the power of Christian Science so firmly and clearly be brought to bear on error’s vicious lies about creation? We read last week (or was it the week before?) how Jesus saw in the blind man not a punishment for someone’s sin, but a blessed opportunity for the power of divine Love to be manifested. What an opportunity to demonstrate the healing power of divine Science by recognizing the all-power of God and the nothingness of evil! Standing firmly with this thought, I’m watching for the healings that follow.
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I know all Christian Scientists everywhere, as they heard the news, and especially your students, were praying deeply - immediately. How grateful we can all be for Mrs. Eddy’s gift of Science and its healing messages! In reality, we all dwell ” in the secret place of the most high…”, at all times, wherever we are. Your assignment means even more now, and is so applicable.
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When I first heard about the bombings, my first reaction was that our work (in Science) cannot be stopped, but will continue and as you said in your email, will only increase.
I also thought of the hymn—“Long hast thou stood, O church of God, Long mid the tempest’s assailing, Founded secure on timeless rock Rises thy light never failing; Shining that all may understand What has been wrought by God’s command, O’er night and chaos prevailing.”
There was a shooting at our local mall a few days ago and I had been planning on going there right at the time of the shooting. However, when the time came to leave for the mall, I just decided to wait until the kids came home from school and then when they came home, I decided to wait until after dinner. I ended up postponing my shopping until the following afternoon and had a safe trip.
During times like these, I like to remember how Jesus passed through storms, mobs, and even death unharmed, and how he was always where he was supposed to be, always being impelled by God, by one Mind and volition.
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”
P.S. I love the references and was able to work a lot with them this past weekend. I love Association time and the strength and impetus that come from us all working together. Progress IS possible, is happening and “We shall fulfill our Father’s Plan…”