Tips to access 1943 testimonies
I find the best way to access the 1943 testimonies is directly from this link:
After accessing the link you’ll be at a point to choose any issue of the 1943 CSS you would like.
For example, if you go to October 23, 1943, you can click on the Sentinel cover and it will bring you “inside” the issue. Scroll down to where it says “Testimony” and underneath will be the first testimony: “This testimony is given in response …” Click here and this will open the entire testimony. If you want to move to the next testimony go to the arrow (>) at the top or bottom right of the page. Click on that arrow and the next testimony will appear: “Christian Science has been a…”
When you have finished all of the testimonies in that particular issue you can move to the next issue by either clicking “October” if you want to see another issue in that month or “1943” and that will bring you all of the issues in 1943. You will find the “October” and “1943” headings just above the testimony title toward the top of the screen.
You can also access the 1943 Sentinels from the home page of JSH — — but it is a longer process. But here it is: go to “Issues” on the home page (near the top to the right). Click on “Issues” and the option for Sentinel, Journal or Herald will pop up. Click on Sentinel Issues (1898-today), and on the next page scroll down to the 1943 volume and click on this. Now follow the same directions from above where it begins, “For example, if you go to …”
The bookmark feature, which allows you to “mark” the testimonies you might want to refer to later, is also a nice tool. It’s located underneath the title of each testimony.