Topic letter – 2016
February 8, 2016
Dear friends,
The title of the association address this year is “Why should it be thought a thing incredible …”, and it’s drawn from the question asked by the apostle Paul (Acts 26:8).
At one time or another, some of us may have been tempted to ask, Can I possibly know enough of Christian Science to deal with this particular kind of problem, situation or circumstance. Obviously not much seemed impossible to Paul! That was undoubtedly because of his own amazing experience. Suddenly he’d been transformed from Saul, an enthusiastic persecutor of Christians, to become Paul—who healed as Christ Jesus promised—and was one of the most inspiring followers of Christ in the history of Christianity.
The recognition of an utterly different reality—the all-inclusive and all-important light of Christ—had completely altered Paul’s thought. This same realization enabled Mary Baker Eddy to heal and teach thousands of others to heal, as Christ Jesus did.
So, what is this realization? Isn’t it the realization that we’re not stuck with a self that is limited in its ability to know spiritual truth or believe it sufficiently to “make it work”?
Christian Science never was about what a mortal human mind supposes it can think or comprehend. Instead it’s all about the spiritual knowing that pours out from the All-Mind. Nothing can block or resist or fail to know enough because in fact there is only one consciousness or divine intelligence. But how can I know such a great spiritual truth? the so-called mortal, human mind goes on insistently asking. The answer is that it can’t, but infinite, divine Mind is the source of all our knowing.
This realization brings a whole new sense of Christian Science. Then Science and Health reads like a different book. We “get it”—we’re going forward with its actual meaning rather than its constantly being filtered through a false and mistaken sense of being a mortal, human self that doesn’t know. As Mrs. Eddy points out: “Science shows that material, conflicting mortal opinions and beliefs emit the effects of error at all times, but this atmosphere of mortal mind cannot be destructive to morals and health when it is opposed promptly and persistently by Christian Science.” (S&H 273:29-1)
Our greatest progress comes in letting go of the sense that “I don’t know enough” and finding there’s a universe-full of spiritual knowing that is already ours. God, Mind and Spirit and Love, has already provided this for each one of us.
We’ll be exploring all this at Association this year and hearing of the healings and joy and expansive new sense of possibility that comes with realizing we’re living now in Spirit, God. As Paul asked, “Why should it be thought a thing incredible?”
With my deepest love and gratitude for every one of you,
Allison W. Phinney, Jr. C.S.B.
P.S. Please don’t be made to forget to share your healing fruitage as well as your insights and lessons from reading the assignment. This extensive, open and honest sharing that has become so natural to our Association is strengthening to us all.