Your comments on new fruitage
“I wanted to send a quick email re: your recent correspondence. In reading your cover letter again this morning, I was just so grateful for it. Yes, that work in discovering more about God is the greatest news. Thank you for that. I am traveling right now and seeing always beautiful scenery here in the West. But I am most grateful for the spiritual vistas and views I’ve been gaining.
The recent contributions speak to me of real spiritual work, the kind that really makes a difference to our movement. I felt a real rush of gratitude for the website. The other day as I was studying, it might have even been on a plane ride, I found myself so naturally working for association and the website. A few days later the latest posting arrived. I just loved that.”
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“Great thanks for the new fruitage just posted. Was especially moved by the account of “Loving our ‘enemies’“ and found the citations very helpful. The one for Proverbs was a real eye opener for me. So grateful for all of these accounts.”
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